View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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I agree with Ben, you're net even a member... I'm not trolling, lol.
Again, I think Uberis would be a better co-leader (Rift should take leader's position)
Valentines Hate event. Brought to you by GATA, good luck.
Sure thing then. Your thoughts I can take in consideration, but qq5ben I don't even care. He always oposed me on everything I do while I was leader of Piratez. Why woudn't him keep doing it while I'm not?

PS: I've been in Piratez for even more then the double or triple of the time you did. Just saying.

Of course you are you create this clan e.e What a unthinkable PS '-'

Anyway he's right XPaD in Piratez he have more experience than everyone here have.
Well... You're kinda... Exagerating. Also, I didn't make this clan. I joined it on the day it became official.

And... Not everyone.

CHR0ME is a girl Lukazzs.
Anyways I'll miss you. You were cool here, always active.
Your art was cool too.
Sad that I didn't send a PM.
Ok bye.
Yes, Grayve should be the leader. He has been here for a long time. And I hope he will be active once he gets the leadership.

Anyways thanks for supporting me XPaD and Hygencide.
But I don't think that most of the members would want me to be a co-leader or leader.
It doesn't matter Grayve should be the leader.

Also I have a lot of experience in leading a clan, I was in Sin for a year I was a co-leader. Pretty much I did everything there. Only Grayves disadvantage is that he doesn't know the new people and that many things are changed now. Ignore this not trying to proclaim myself to anything. I'm still on Grayves side.
Well, I've moderated a shit load of boards already so that covers experience.

As for activity, I'll be active sometime within this week. I'll just throw my whore ass out there as an option anyway. Grats to whoever gets it in the future. Also pawt: Let me wreck your ass on Xbox live you hoebag.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
