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Last edited by bazoozo; Jan 20, 2014 at 10:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What hero do you guys generally prefer for ranked and what rating are you?

I'm currently struggling to break the 3900-4000 rating, and I usually end up playing Mirana as a solo offlaner. Mirana can do no wrong, no matter the setup, and I am pretty decent with her. Used to find her boring at the start, but now I love her.
for ranked im usually sitting with Darkseer offlane or support veno.
generally weaver if i have to carry something
been sitting on 3880 party ranking for a while, hoping to break the 4000 mark in the next month or two.
struggling atm cus my regular team mates who i play with have been dropping from the 3800 they started on, to 3400-3600, so my friends are letting me down :< but one of the guys i play with is sitting on 4500+ so i guess that makes up for it.

usually run the #4/5 role support, so i pick up the disruptor and warlock every now and then.

i just think veno is a great hero all round, can run him anywhere and with almost any role really.
ive run him offlane and mid with the max wards build, the early blink + aghs is evil.
although i usually get those eventually when im a regular support anyway.
get so many assists and the updates to dotabuff are showing that the hero damage over the game from veno is >>
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 22, 2014 at 10:31 AM.
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Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
What hero do you guys generally prefer for ranked and what rating are you?

I'm currently struggling to break the 3900-4000 rating, and I usually end up playing Mirana as a solo offlaner. Mirana can do no wrong, no matter the setup, and I am pretty decent with her. Used to find her boring at the start, but now I love her.

Ehh.. My team generally makes me play offlane,roam or or supp.... . I usually go mirana, pudge or windranger. I am currently 3600 thats pretty bad XD, I didnt get my solo rank yet. but im sure its like 4k and above. we will see
Originally Posted by bazoozo View Post
I didnt get my solo rank yet. but im sure its like 4k and above. we will see

your solo rank is generally lower than your party rank, unless you're better than your usual teamies, but not usually by much.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
your solo rank is generally lower than your party rank

Probably I am sure I am better than my team mates that I play with soooo yeah :3
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
for ranked im usually sitting with Darkseer offlane or support veno.
generally weaver if i have to carry something
been sitting on 3880 party ranking for a while, hoping to break the 4000 mark in the next month or two.
struggling atm cus my regular team mates who i play with have been dropping from the 3800 they started on, to 3400-3600, so my friends are letting me down :< but one of the guys i play with is sitting on 4500+ so i guess that makes up for it.

usually run the #4/5 role support, so i pick up the disruptor and warlock every now and then.

i just think veno is a great hero all round, can run him anywhere and with almost any role really.
ive run him offlane and mid with the max wards build, the early blink + aghs is evil.
although i usually get those eventually when im a regular support anyway.
get so many assists and the updates to dotabuff are showing that the hero damage over the game from veno is >>

Veno is fun but generally lacks sometimes due to the lack of disables. He is pretty op once you get aganim though.

Ds, don't see many of those. If you think about it, he's pretty great in team fights and overall, but as far as supports go, wd, disruptor or lock are more OP.

I've tried weaver too but he's more of a risk hero. If you are shot down on the offlane early on you have no chance of recovery. Plus your hp is so low you can get 2 shot very easily by nukes.

Originally Posted by bazoozo View Post
Ehh.. My team generally makes me play offlane,roam or or supp.... . I usually go mirana, pudge or windranger. I am currently 3600 thats pretty bad XD, I didnt get my solo rank yet. but im sure its like 4k and above. we will see

Mirana and pudge are good picks but WR sucks a lot in ranked. ranked needs OP heroes if you want to get high rating.

Also noticed that Slark is OP as fuck in ranked. I've started picking him early on and farming on the easy lane orchid then skadi, after which he's one of the hardest heroes to kill. And with a basher after, you can permabash anybody quite easily.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Veno is fun but generally lacks sometimes due to the lack of disables.

yeah, but thats why there are 4 other heroes on your team.

Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Ds, don't see many of those. If you think about it, he's pretty great in team fights and overall, but as far as supports go, wd, disruptor or lock are more OP.

darkseer isnt a conventional support, hes an versatile offlaner, allows you to have a jungler or 2 other supports.
or even allows you to move to the jungle if lanes arent working out well.
i use him to get an early mek, shut down the melee safe lane carries, buff up the team fights and generally make the other supports lives easier, seeing as getting farm on darkseer is easy as, so you can afford to sponsor a ward or two, upgrade courier, take up the mek/pipe roles etc.

he synergises really well with melee carries/mid heroes, with ion shell +surge and vaccing people into aoe stuns etc.

Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
I've tried weaver too but he's more of a risk hero. If you are shot down on the offlane early on you have no chance of recovery. Plus your hp is so low you can get 2 shot very easily by nukes.

the cool down on shikuchi (however you spell it) is like 5 seconds, so you can generally avoid most nukes, hes all about positioning. attack twice + double attack, go invis and deal some damage with that, attack again with cover from the bushes etc.
all he needs is 1 damage item and his damage output is ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
ranked needs OP heroes if you want to get high rating.

you place too much emphasis on your definition of OP, with 3800+ ranking, your team mates, even in solo queue, SHOULD be picking reasonably balanced teams.
ranked is just about decision making, not OP heroes. at our level, we cant really exploit the OP factor of certain heroes, well enough for it to be THAT much of a factor.
Windrunner shackleshot just has a fairly high skill requirement to play well, the shackleshot can either make fights or break them. can be run as a conventional support, or offlaner or even mid. powershot allows her to always get farm, and the windrun is a really reliable escape mechanism and the evasion bonus in a team fight cannot be underestimated.

Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Also noticed that Slark is OP as fuck in ranked.

i dont think slark is OP at all, unless your skill level is high enough to dodge stuns with dark pact.
the stat drain thing is the only really cool thing about him, sure, if the games going well, the stat drain thing is ridiculous, but his HP gain and high risk movements make him... unreliable.
I would much prefer an early game undying or a support abbadon to drain stats and dodge stuns.
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 22, 2014 at 11:33 AM.
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I've tried weaver too but he's more of a risk hero. If you are shot down on the offlane early on you have no chance of recovery. Plus your hp is so low you can get 2 shot very easily by nukes.

Getting shot down early on the game would rarely happen if you would maintain lane equilibruim
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
yeah, but thats why there are 4 other heroes on your team.

And a team with 5 disablers will beat one with 4 disablers ( at least on paper). You can never have too much cc.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
darkseer isnt a conventional support, hes an versatile offlaner, allows you to have a jungler or 2 other supports.
or even allows you to move to the jungle if lanes arent working out well.
i use him to get an early mek, shut down the melee safe lane carries, buff up the team fights and generally make the other supports lives easier, seeing as getting farm on darkseer is easy as, so you can afford to sponsor a ward or two, upgrade courier, take up the mek/pipe roles etc.

he synergises really well with melee carries/mid heroes, with ion shell +surge and vaccing people into aoe stuns etc.

I dk I consider him support since he fits the described role of support. Lich can offlane just as good too, and he's support.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
the cool down on shikuchi (however you spell it) is like 5 seconds, so you can generally avoid most nukes, hes all about positioning. attack twice + double attack, go invis and deal some damage with that, attack again with cover from the bushes etc.
all he needs is 1 damage item and his damage output is ridiculous.

And early on all it takes is 1 very aggressive support with sentry to completely fk up a solo offlane weaver.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
you place too much emphasis on your definition of OP, with 3800+ ranking, your team mates, even in solo queue, SHOULD be picking reasonably balanced teams.
ranked is just about decision making, not OP heroes. at our level, we cant really exploit the OP factor of certain heroes, well enough for it to be THAT much of a factor.
Windrunner shackleshot just has a fairly high skill requirement to play well, the shackleshot can either make fights or break them. can be run as a conventional support, or offlaner or even mid. powershot allows her to always get farm, and the windrun is a really reliable escape mechanism and the evasion bonus in a team fight cannot be underestimated.

Balanced teams make for a balanced game. If you go for the most OP heroes it will make winning the game much, much easier. It takes for just 1 OP hero to disrupt the balance of scale during a match and that might just be enough.

If you think that an OP hero can't factor that much in a game then you haven't seen those damn Earth Spirit pros....

Sure, WR can do that. I'd like to see WR do a better job of screwing up an entire team than Disruptor with Kinetic Field and Static Storm, as well as Glimpse. Or a warlock with a global ( just exagerating) ulti and the biggest aoe stun in the game and the most destructive summon in game, along with a 20% increased damage taken for an entire enemy team. Or wd with that annoying stun, heal and ulti.

WR can never outweigh the contribution of those heroes ever. And if you talk about offlane heroes exclusively, then Mirana is an even better offlaner with a better potential team contribution. So no matter how you go at it, WR is good, but not good enough to be a high priority pick in ranked.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
i dont think slark is OP at all, unless your skill level is high enough to dodge stuns with dark pact.
the stat drain thing is the only really cool thing about him, sure, if the games going well, the stat drain thing is ridiculous, but his HP gain and high risk movements make him... unreliable.
I would much prefer an early game undying or a support abbadon to drain stats and dodge stuns.

"high enough". It's really not that hard with a 6s cd to dodge the negative buffs. That leap is also incredible, with the disable and escape potential. Ulti makes him invisible to all except sentry and gem, plus that regen is insanely useful from early on to late game. And the passive speaks for itself.

I used to have the same opinion of Slark as you do, before I started playing him frequently. Warlock was the hero to get me out of the 3600 rating hell I got at due to incredibly bad teams, Mirana was the hero to get me out of the 3700-3800 zone and Slark seems to be the hero to get me past the 4k rating.

Hell if I could play Earth Spirit I'd only play him, but I quit Dota 1 way, way before he was introduced so I never played him. And he seems too hard to learn to play while in ranked.

Originally Posted by bazoozo View Post
Getting shot down early on the game would rarely happen if you would maintain lane equilibruim

Weaver is generally taken as a solo offlaner so lane equilibrium isn't maintainable on a general note.