Originally Posted by AcidMan2007 View Post
8D No not really.

Hmm.. Are you like gay or something?

Originally Posted by AcidMan2007 View Post
Maybe I just edit your quotes but its hella fun.

The fact that you can't properly argue with me makes it even more fun. Good job getting beaten by a 14 year old.

lol lol lol :P
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
I'm 15. Fuck yeah

lies xD
im 14 :P
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
no dude I'm seriously 15 xd

i believe you im just kidding xDD
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
Originally Posted by AcidMan2007 View Post
I am also 14 :/

So that explains the immaturity of the arguments you did. I need to find someone older .___.
Originally Posted by VVbog View Post
can i join DAT?
reason:its the best clan sins MAD
did i miss anything?

You missed this thread:

Originally Posted by CoKe View Post
[DAT]Recruiting system

ok so we have decided to bring this system back.
Want to join DAT? Apply to be tested here!
You need atleast a 3rd Dan
blackbelt to apply

Application format:
how long been playing:
Recieved any infractions?:
If yes include why.
Why you would like to join:
Best mod:
Extra information:

Originally Posted by RicH View Post
So that explains the immaturity of the arguments you did. I need to find someone older .___.

That was very immature of you to judge people by their age. It doesn't matter how old someone is, everyone can be mature. You need to find someone older? Older people can be more immature than young ones.