I just had this funky feeling to spent money to dumb things and i just had tb forums open so i just did it. Did alot other dumb things to waste money on.
Well i havent payed it yet. Its just on the early stage. Talked to the artist today and hes going to make some designs to me and ill see if i like em or if i have to change the artist. Its a long prosess since its a tat and you obviously want it to be perfect.
And its going to be in my back.
Damn, on your back, that's a big commitment, better send some pics whenever the design gets sorted out.

Era, not sure what you mean, what belts are what?
Yeah ikr. Prolly going to cover allmost whole back.
Design will be some kind of wings. I cant bother do the explanation what kind of again since it took ages to make sense.