Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
So, Un'Goro. Seems pretty interesting.

On a slightly related note: I decided to try Ranked again, using an aggro token Druid. Seems to work alright, though I know it struggles against any sort of tempo deck, and Shaman will be hit or miss at this point. Basically hinges on whether he draws aoe early before I buff my board.

I actually like that shaman will lose some of his aggro cards. Finally, maybe shaman will use some brain decks this time around.
I'm pretty sure Envenom Weapon + Blade Flurry doesn't interact that way.

Poisonous is just any damage dealt by the source with Poisonous is enough to destroy a minion. With Pyromancer, giving it Poisonous and then playing a spell makes Pyromancer deal 1 damage to all minions, thus triggering Poisonous. With Envenom Weapon + Blade Flurry, you give the weapon Poisonous, then destroy the weapon to have Blade Flurry deal damage equal to the power of the weapon. As such, the weapon isn't dealing the damage, so Poisonous shouldn't proc.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Envenom Blade doesn't work on Blade furry

However, adapting Wild Pyromancer with Poisonous will wipe both players boards, which is awesome. It's like a 30% chance that deck now has access to equality pyro board clear lol.

Un'Goro neees to be great, or I will lose interest. This is, by far, the worst meta I've ever played in for high level ladder. I can't. A few years ago, everyone was saying how toxic undertaker + haunted creeped + piloted shredder was. We laughed and said how is it possible that blizzard made a 1 mana chillwind yeti. You knew my like turn 5 if you were going to win. And that meta was the most toxic until now.

Now Reno Decks have a slightly better than 50% chance to draw Reno by turn 6 against aggro, and if they do, he probably wins. If he doesn't he flat out loses. And if aggro draws right they don't even let you make it to turn 5.

Aggro isn't the type of consistent that it should be with the pirate package. Sometimes you whiff on a weapon and you lose. Sometimes you accidentally draw patches and your win rate is dropped by 15%. Sometimes your opponent has answers to your threats and he still only has 14 health on turn 5.

All value of control decks are gone. No attrition battles. No mill decks. No decks with Ysera and stuff. Why? Because why in the world would you play control when you can play jade. Jade's value can be up to infinity in Druid, and Druid is arguably not the best jade deck. Playing jade decks is like playing midrange, so you have a ton of minions to answer aggro and to pressure combo decks. Only you have the and game value of summoning 9/9s for 1 mana.

The combo decks are even less interactive than before. With combos like Koon + Aviana + Maly, or just gadget conceal with cold bloods, there is no play around. It's not as bad as old combo Druid FoN SR combo.

And there's no punish for going face like their used to be with molten giants.

And legendaries were printed with similar text to Reno that are too good to not make decks out of, like Kazakus, but now you can't run copies of cards which further exasperates card draw RNG.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I disagree that this meta is worse than undertaker meta. There's actually more than 1 deck around right now.

But I'm excited for the quests. OTK mage might be a thing with their quest. Hunter deck seems fun to play.

Prediction: Warrior will be in the dumpster. Well, I don't think the quest deck will be viable, but maybe control warrior will make a come back because I think the meta will be slow enough for it.

RIP priest tho
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm pretty sure Envenom Weapon + Blade Flurry doesn't interact that way.

Poisonous is just any damage dealt by the source with Poisonous is enough to destroy a minion. With Pyromancer, giving it Poisonous and then playing a spell makes Pyromancer deal 1 damage to all minions, thus triggering Poisonous. With Envenom Weapon + Blade Flurry, you give the weapon Poisonous, then destroy the weapon to have Blade Flurry deal damage equal to the power of the weapon. As such, the weapon isn't dealing the damage, so Poisonous shouldn't proc.

And now im sad. Blizz confirmed this and you are correct. No board clear for rogue. :v
Originally Posted by Clay View Post
Prediction: Warrior will be in the dumpster. Well, I don't think the quest deck will be viable, but maybe control warrior will make a come back because I think the meta will be slow enough for it.

I think Quest Warrior might work. There are decent enough taunt minions that already see some play in control Warrior (namely Alley Armorsmith), and Direhorn Hatchling works well for the long game that Quest Warrior would work towards. Already, that's 6 taunt minions you'd be playing. Throw in literally any other taunt Minion (Tar Creeper as a 3 mana Shieldmasta ain't shabby), and you can fulfill the Quest using 6 cards total (Quest included), which means you'd have 24 cards that can just be control.

It may take a while for the meta to slow down enough to reach there, but it should be plausible.

Edit: The more I'm looking at it, the more I'm worried that Elemental Shaman might be Secret Paladin 2.0. A fairly straightforward play on curve style that's yields incredibly powerful tempo. I recognize it's gated a little by requiring setup to start rolling, but Shaman was given a lot of control options recently, so it's possible to just delay the game until you believe you can start the Elemental deathball. Even if aggro Shaman dies, I'm still going to be worried of Midrange Elemental Shaman.
Last edited by Oracle; Apr 3, 2017 at 12:45 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
@Clay: There's more than one competitive deck during most metas prior to this one. I can vividly remember a time climbing for legend where face hunter, handlock, ramp Druid, miracle rogue, control warrior, control paladin, zoo, and freeze mage were all very playable.

Don't confuse this current meta with anything short of Rock Paper Scissors and draw/discover RNG.

And is anyone else upset that they printed that Paladin Quest legendary? It has a real percent chance of being flat out uncounterable and killing you in one turn, and it also has a real chance that it's garbage, hard removed in a single turn, and then your subpar deck full of crappy buff cards wasn't even close to worth it.

On the bright side, I think printing big taunts that have less attack on your turn is a huge step in the right direction.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!