I check the forums often but just don't know what to post.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
Fifty shades of gray?

Yeah, it's pretty much a semi-fictional teen version of fifty shades of grey.
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
Originally Posted by Volare View Post
I check the forums often but just don't know what to post.

Well we'd be happy with anything you could do, so long as it's not spam.

The best way to do it, I suppose, it to start with a comment. Example:

Originally Posted by Sample
Post 1 (The Thread): "Check out this video! *Video of sexy puppies break-dancing on a mountain*
Post 2 (You): Oh wow, that's hysterical! How did they do that, do you think?

*The underlined part of the post is the comment. It's usually a reaction to something prior, and can be anything from "Lmfao" to a long and wordy opinion.

*The Struck-out part is somewhat optional, but helps. It's the question part. Its main purpose is to open up a way for someone to continue the conversation, usually the original poster of the thread. It can be a skeptical thought, or a theoretical thought. Skeptical can be like, "Do you really think that..." and a theoretical one can be like, "What do you think if..." or simply, "What if..".

This also works with replying to posts, but your initial thought is replaced by your response thought

There may be no more questions to ask. If so, try to find a new topic to discuss. If there is nothing to add on that you can think of in relation to that thread, go browse another thread and try to do something similar. If there are no threads that you can update (Like you've posted in all the ones that interest you, or nothing interests you), you can either make a new thread or stop posting for the day/for the next couple hours.

I'm not asking you guys to conform to some strict style of posting, but this is just some advice for people who have trouble thinking of what to say.

There, did that help? (<-- There's my question to help continue the conversation ;P)
Last edited by Tubba75; Sep 17, 2012 at 03:45 AM.
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
I'll try.
Just school gets in the road.
But I'll try my best.

Facade I have suddenly just had a moment of truth. I love you.

(And Chaco don't wrry I haven't forgotten bout you I still lve you and your still sexy bro.)
Ronald McDonald is scary.
like i said before....count me as dead
i don't have any plans to be active again
its after 3 weeks i have logged in


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Originally Posted by Labirynth View Post
I'll try.
Just school gets in the road.
But I'll try my best.

Facade I have suddenly just had a moment of truth. I love you.

(And Chaco don't wrry I haven't forgotten bout you I still lve you and your still sexy bro.)

Everyone comes to this conclusion eventually.

Sucks to hear that chintu, I'll send you an invite to the Toriclan anyway.
One of my friends wrote a 250 page book, and I started a bit on making one, not sure I'll finish it because I'm busy with projects, school, my girl and music.

I do make quotes though. I'd post them if anyone wanted to see some.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
One of my friends wrote a 250 page book, and I started a bit on making one, not sure I'll finish it because I'm busy with projects, school, my girl and music.

I do make quotes though. I'd post them if anyone wanted to see some.

Pro-Tip, make a story for your girlfriend. I'm doing one now. It's the one I described .
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
hi enigma, hi tubba nice to meet you.
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