What's your real name?: Joe

Whats your Current Belt?: Brown

How long have you been playing?: 3-4 months

Current Country / GMT?: Ireland/GMT+1

Any Skills For the Clan?: Amateur art

How active are you forum-wise? Everyday

Any Bans? Nope

Will you follow the Rules? Of Course

Anything else you'd like to say? I fight relax :P

Ok, About the weed thing, my dads a cop and me and him respect weed and think it should be used. People shouldnt care if someone is putting crap in there bodys (weed is not crap it is a medicin like oxicoden) unless there going to do bad things while on drugs and stuff. Alchohol is worse, ciggerets are worse, Weed is hemp, witch is a natural grown plant. and weed is natural too. So i dont care. And, about the suicide thing, if its real, Suicide is not the way out, suicide means that you cant take life as it is. Sucide means you cant accept things that are givin to you. You make what you can out of life and make the bad things good. Im not saying this is my choice over yours, same with everyone else, im just telling you this: Life is made to live happy.

Sincerely, Awesomo30
Anyways, fighting won't help the FIGHTING problem -_- And your getting more points awesomo, Nice
Just call me Ducky Momo, bitch don't hate (:V)
I say yes to mrboxman


I say yes to MrBoxMan, he seems pretty cool, AWESOME. And thanks butterz, what did you think of my latest replay? the one where i threw my wrist at the ukes decaped head.
i say we have too many members
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
And A7x Mind having my rank back.
Rank 3
Originally Posted by LagSwitch View Post
I say we kick ALL OF THE MEMBERS

No. Just no.
Last edited by DPFIGHTER; Aug 1, 2012 at 03:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump