Guys i skinned my ankle the other day
Today I skinned it in the exact same spot a couple of hours ago and its stayed really bright red for that entire time and it looks really weird.
Pls halp
Suck it up princess. Permanent disfigurement or man the fuck up. I ain't half blind in one eye cause of no baby scrape, and you ain't gonna be crippled cause you had a little boo boo.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Suck it up princess. Permanent disfigurement or man the fuck up. I ain't half blind in one eye cause of no baby scrape, and you ain't gonna be crippled cause you had a little boo boo.

Its too late
I already tattooed cripple on my forehead and ordered the deluxe crip package off amazon

Was I acting prematurely?