Reminded of some old childhood music I would listen to. Not my type of music now, but pretty good.


Nice, i suppose. Instrumental hip hop isn't really my thing even if it's good instrumental hip hop (alias!!). 5/10
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
You literally chose the worst Black Veil Brides Song to use but it's still k


Pop goes Punk song. They take a pop song and turn it until a screamo/rock type of thing.
You opened the SpaghettiO's, now you gotta sniff them.
where is hermaphrodite or holyshrimp when you need them
mainstream punk metal trash

here, educate yourself by listening to something that's actually good
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
All music is subjective therefore no music can be "good".

It's 2015 and you're still listening to music with rhythm and melody? Stop living under a rock, brother!

Discord: bicycleforrats
<[Obey]Quest> yall needa tap into my telegram on gad
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