I just think its not that imporant to have goal, we are here all... just to be friends and improve skills in teamwork, anways, sorry for my inactivity today, so much work ;/
I agree with MrUnicorn. Its fun to have goals to work at and stuff we can try and achieve so I think we should throw some goals on the clan page. Also a recruitment thread would be a good idea.
awesome thanks for consideration!! Guess our plans on all the wars today didn't really work out ;p. Everyone is just so busy these days. Also welcome ducky
I might play on the weekend ;) tomorrow I'm going to the movies all day so poof... no forum activity for me
Hmm guys i'm unable to war. Soo i wish you luck and stuff.
Have gay sex lub or something like that.
(why? my mause is doing dubble click instead of normal clicks
and it's mause foult i check it . soo ya maybve i will be able to maybe not)
Anyway good luck kick some asses or pound ekhkkkehkmmmm......
Have fun :3