Welcome to the C3 clan, darkblood. :3

Be ready for fapping... xD
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Request granted, welcome to the single allie list :P
Last edited by cuttle; Jul 2, 2010 at 05:44 PM.
Originally Posted by HaYZ View Post
Welcome to the C3 clan, darkblood. :3

Be ready for fapping... xD

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Clow, Terlupa is a dude, please don't flirt thats nasty -_-, Im not jeliouse of you flirting with a dude, but I'm just saying, he already tried with roman and he turned him down, he wanted cyber sex rofl!

Ps: roman said it's Ootogi and I belive anyways, everytime hes off terlupas account is on or when terlupas off his oot account is on, Plus how ddid terlupa even know I got banned??!!? Terlupa was know where ner us...hmm how irnoic and nasty
Last edited by cuttle; Jul 2, 2010 at 10:03 PM.
Originally Posted by cuttle View Post
Clow, Terlupa is a dude, please don't flirt thats nasty -_-, Im not jeliouse of you flirting with a dude, but I'm just saying, he already tried with roman and he turned him down, he wanted cyber sex rofl!

Ps: roman said it's Ootogi and I belive anyways, everytime hes off terlupas account is on or when terlupas off his oot account is on, Plus how ddid terlupa even know I got banned??!!? Terlupa was know where ner us...hmm how irnoic and nasty


Terlupa is ootogi.

Ootogi is my wushu teacher. I don't know what your going on about here :|

Why are you mad at me? :/
Last edited by Clow; Jul 2, 2010 at 10:51 PM.
kk, He just tried having cyber sex with roman, i was there.. I was only saying watch out cause hes pretty sick. He pretended to be a girl and try to date roman ew it was nasty x.X, but anyways im not mad just have fun with ur "Gay" Teacher lmao