I'll do it for free, only for you guys. ;P

On a serious note: I recommend pm'ing ishi or jelly. If someone has experience in games it's them. ishi's very trustworthy too.
Your messed up world enthrills me
If Jelly is a girl that is auto-NO. I don't believe girls. They are not trustworthy at all.
And if it isn't a girl but a boy in girl clothes then how to trust someone who is hiding behind sex mask on internet. So: NO, period.

Ishi? Idk who that is to be honest.
When I was on staff IRC Ishi spoken only once. And it wasn't some universe wisdom sentence (which you would expect from a guy who never speaks), but some random bla-bla... So, nope.
I would need at least few days of steady Skype talk with him to know to whom I have to reveal my stuff.

There is you William. And maybe one-two guy(s) from flow.

Anyway, for those interested here is the link to program you must have to be able to test our game with us:


Then we must talk on Skype how to set Lackey and to tell you the rules of the game, after which you will be granted a link to plugin with Steam Flow, tactical trading card game.
Well, yeah I'm not suggesting you just pick him as a beta tester automatically. Join irc, get to know him, ask him about it etc... He has massive gaming experience, and I used to be a common resident of #hi channel. He is very respected in this community etc etc..

Once again, awesome link is awesome. :P
In anyway, I'll be glad to test it.

EDIT: LINK works.
Last edited by William; Jan 21, 2014 at 04:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Your messed up world enthrills me
William I know u since 2010. I don't know Ishi or Jelly, no matter what kind of game experience they have they are complete strangers to me.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Then we must talk on Skype how to set Lackey and to tell you the rules of the game, after which you will be granted a link to plugin with Steam Flow, tactical trading card game.

This ^.

Actually, I have Lackey somewhere... let me dig it up since last time you or snake mentioned it and eventually posted a link...
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!