Stick with BirdFlu bro.

That's one of the best names I've seen so far.

Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post

I wish I would've let Sagi co-l instead of fcpavao way back when.

I just noticed this in a thread.

Last edited by fcpavao; Feb 13, 2011 at 06:13 PM.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
You know... being compared to Sagi is already a baaaad thing.

But actually thinking he would be a better Co-ldr...

This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
No Sagi would have failed epicly he's an immature faggot, you were a much better choice.

Hey fc great to see you again btw. What's up?
Well, long story short.

Joined Paradox
Paradox merged with Raid
Joined Raid
Left TB
Came back
Joined Omega.

Met pretty awesome people in the way, like Surf, Ed,Tart,etc...

And that would be it :'D

This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.

But what did Sagi do, to be an immature faggot?
Last edited by fcpavao; Feb 14, 2011 at 12:32 AM.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
His attidtude towards me. He thinks he knows everything and that he's always right because he's older than me. It's extremely irritating.