Oh Ok Then. I Shall Hopefully Get Round To Making An App Shortly.
Good Day To You All. My Name: HASSAN - I'm 15 In January.
I'm Currently GMT 0.
I Have Only Ever Been In [WAPOW].

There Are Many Things About Toribash That I’ve Developed A Thorough Liking For. The General Concept Of Being Able To Do Anything You Can Imagine With Regards To Human Movement Just Appeals To Me Greatly And For Good Reason (I Shall Talk More About That Further Into My Application). That And The Fact That There’s No Alternative To Toribash. It’s Completely Different To Any Other Game I Can Recall In The Sense That; It’s Not Pay To Win (There Is No Single Item In The Game That Provides One With An Advantage Over Any Other Player), There’s An Extremely High Learning Curve And So It Challenges Even The Most Experienced At Times And Most Importantly, There Is No Campaign. In Any Other Regular Game You Would Expect Some Sort Of Checkpoint? Millstone? Some Pre Determined Stage In Which The Player May Say “I’ve Completed The Game”. Of Corse With Toribash It’s Very Much Different. You Are Left To Decide Where That Point In The Game Is. It’s The Decision Of The Player To Establish Their Own Goals In Game That – Upon Achieving Them, The Player Is Rewarded With That Well Earned Feeling Of Accomplishment We All Strive For.

What can you bring to [eVo]?: I Offer All My Respect To [eVo] And It’s Members. I Can Bring My Good SportsmanShip – Oh Wait, You Already Have That. I Offer My In Game Skills To This Great Clan – Hold On……. *Checks Members* Ok Yeh, You’re Not Lacking That Either :/ I Offer My Past Experience With Art And Design To [eVo]……. Oh Gosh Not Again *Dam It Mocucha! You Beat Me To It*. I Shall Gladly Offer My Views In Discussions On Relevant Matters Both In Game And Out Game…...Ok Now We’re Maybe Getting Some Ware.

Why choose [eVo]? Simple. One Can’t Scroll Through The Clan List With Out Noticing That One Clan That Instead Of Having The Usual: Official Since May 2013 – It’s Actually: Official Since Jan 2008. Straight Away It Portrays A Good, Active, Stable And Strong Clan With Members Highly Regarded By Me And Others As Incredibly Experienced, Mature And Remarkably Intelligent. All [eVo] Members Are Looked Up To And All Receive The Well Deserved Respect They’re Entitled To From The Community As A Whole. Only The Hardest Of Workers Have The Privilege Of Wearing The [eVo] Clan Tag – The Trademark Of Unmatched Skill Both In Game And Out Game.

Tell us about yourself: So, As You Know I’m Going On 15 Years Of Age And Live In England. I’m A High School FreshMan, Rapidly Approaching My Final Year Of Structured Education. I’m Currently Studying ICT, Product Design (Practical Work That Includes Constructing/Designing Useful Products And Heavy Product Analysis), Along With All The Other Compulsory Subjects One Is Made To Study In Year 10 At GCSE Level. I’m Also Currently On The Triple Science Course – The Most Advanced Of The Four. (As An Oppose To BTEC, Core And Additional). I Suffer From Attention Defersit Hyperactivity Disorder. As A Result, I Find Myself Unable To Sit Still At The Best Of Times. I Must Keep Moving At All Times To Keep Myself Content Weather It Be Rhythmically Tapping My Foot Against The Ground While Sitting Or Usually Spinning My Pen In-Between My Fingers. Whenever I Hear A Sound Or Something Catches My Eye, All My Attention Is Suddenly Directed Towards It. It’s Like A Reflex And It’s Just This That Makes Me Visually Stand Out Amongst A Crowd – My Eyes Are Constantly Darting Around, I Struggle Keeping Eye Contact And My Movements Are Impulsive. All My Actions Are Carried Out With Unremitting Haste. Sometimes I Forget Weather I’ve Done Something Like Putting My Phone On Charge Before Going Back To What Ever It Was I Was Doing Just Because The Time Spent Carrying It Out Was Soo Minimal, It Leaves No Sign In My Head That It’s Even Been Done, It Just Seems To Be A Thought Rather Than An Action. I Live Life In The Fast Lane. Movement Is The Key. That’s Why I Have Such A Deep Understanding Of Toribash Physics Because I’m Constantly Moving – Very Quickly. This Is Also Why I Play Most Of My Games On Qa Because I Can’t Stand The Wait. My Pulse (Resting Pulse) Is Always Faster Than That Of Anyone Else. My Metabolism Is High In The Morning, Then Skyrockets In The Evening As That’s The Time The Influence Of The Medication I Take In The Moring Starts To Wear Off. I Never Need Much Sleep. And Have Always Been Almost Severely Underweight, Yet Very Tall. I’m Always Running And Jumping Over The Banisters Of Stair Cases, Vaulting Over Railings and Walking Along The Top Of That Brick Wall In The Street Rather Than Strolling On The Pavement By The Side Of It. Anyway That’s Me.

Thank You Very Much Indeed For Reading (If You Did). Your Time Is Thoroughly Appreciated By Me. Please - I Offer My Dearest Apologies For My Long And Continuous Application. I Respect That Each And Every One Of You Are Very Busy People With Your Own Lives (Far More Interesting Than Mine) To Get On With. Whatever The Verdict Is, I Shall Accept Your Judgement Without Arguing. I Wish [eVo] And Its Great Members All The Very Best Of Luck In Future And Hope To Be Seeing You Guys In Game Sometime.

Yours Sincerely, HASSAN.

By The Way, Me And T0ri0Baby Have A........Lets's Say Understanding For Each Other.
Attached Files
cry baby.rpl (49.3 KB, 3 views)
Saviour Tastes Sweet.rpl (60.7 KB, 3 views)
Miss CLunk.rpl (54.7 KB, 2 views)
Lookin FLY.rpl (70.9 KB, 2 views)
Shw U Wt It Feels Like.rpl (52.1 KB, 2 views)
Kevo sry.rpl (52.5 KB, 3 views)
SPAR SNAJIXZ.rpl (57.8 KB, 3 views)
Pimp Spar.rpl (88.3 KB, 6 views)
Tomi throw.rpl (38.7 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by HASSAN; Nov 22, 2015 at 02:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
I really enjoyed that app, good job on it hassan.
Hang out with us in-game, post in pre-evo, try to get known by our other members and applicants.
Neutral for now
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Name: Prolectron
GMT: +1:00 (Belgium)
Past Clans: AwayFromKeyboard (AFK)
What do I enjoy about TB:
I really like Toribash because you learn something new every time you play. It's also very fun to play with friends.
What can I bring to [eVo]:
Probably not a lot, but I'll try my best to bring something to the clan. I could try to write some scripts, but I'm not that good at it yet.
Why choose [eVo]:
I think [eVo] is an awesome clan. I really like the people here, they're so nice and friendly.
About myself:
I'm not that good at writing long texts, but I'll try. My name is Nick, I'm 17 years old and I live in Belgium. I speak English, Dutch & a little French. I study Industrial ICT, want to become a programmer of some sort. I really like to program, my main language is C#, but I can learn new languages if I needed to. I don't have any hobbies apart from gaming, programming and watching youtube (yep... that's how I spend my days ._.). I adore old-school games, NES, SNES, N64, GameBoy. I like every genre of music, I'm open for everything. Not a big fan of metal though. I usually listen to songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, but I also like to listen to some more modern music. I'm really shy and I have a lot of patience.
Name: Léo
Past clans: Light with my old account
What do you most enjoy about Toribash? I think it is a very good game I would love to play with you
What can you bring to [eVo]?:Good humor, laughter is a good apprentice
Why choose [eVo]?I love this clan, as Mocucha and everyone!
Tell us about yourself: I am French, young but mature, I love laughter, good humor, I'm pretty active, I train very hard!
Replays:I will give later
If an eVo member recommended you to join, please state his Username here: No one

Thank You
Making a app
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Hello , Evolution my name is Solo and I here present my application to this wonderful clan so lets get this application started , oh yeah I got a name change 5 months ago? My Previous name was Zephira
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My GMT well I am from America lived in New York all my life so that makes my GMT Eastern -5:00
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Past clans
(Bad) (IV) (ST)

"What do you most enjoy about Toribash?"
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Well , I find this a confusing question for me but , I will answer to the best that I can. So what I really enjoy and find fascinating about this is that there is always room too get better and the ability to use slow motion during replays ( viewing it ) it allows to thoroughly analyze and enhance what you're viewing , so you know what the (user) is doing
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"What can you bring to [eVo]?"
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So lets face it Evolution , whats currently in my arsenal now could be of no use to you , but I will try my best too be active I browse forums basically every 10 minutes , but I don't find really any means too post because what I have too say may sound very retarded.So with all means necessary I'd love too be apart of the family
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"Why choose [eVo]?"
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Lets see , official since 2008 adapting too community changes repeatedly , active and a well know sparring community inside of Evolution, respectful members and the skill this clan shows in public servers sparring , and branches in almost every part of the forum ? Why not join eVo?
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Tell us about yourself

Life Story (basically)

My ban

About me

Attached Files
Solo - edit ear (SP).rpl (506.2 KB, 2 views)
Solo - f1ias (MP).rpl (578.5 KB, 1 views)
Last edited by Solo; Dec 6, 2015 at 02:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump