Idk how to take that Ken

I'm decent, a little rusty as I just started playing again
hey I applied for obey ingame and have gone through a series of hardcore skill demanding trials, I have been rewarded with an [obey] invite, I will train hard and win wars

Last edited by JoboMan; Apr 3, 2018 at 09:07 PM.

Hi, I'm Will.
Some of my greatest achievements include
joining obey at 12

winning the 48 hour film festival

all of our nominations/winnings

my replays (not really but hey)

being told I look like an off-brand sprouse twin
(follow me @willsforthekills on ig)

clan league 2015 B)

Merit Endorsed NCEA Level 1 too, that's sick.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to be a shitpost but I hadn't applied for a clan in over 4 years so I didn't really know how to start.

let me back in please.
Obey application

For those who don't know me, my name is Dylan, I'm fifteen I live in Texas and I wrestle and play soccer.

Why I want to join again.
I really miss this clan I didn't want to leave, but nobody posted anymore neither did I, I felt like I was just taking up a spot. Miss posting with WorldEater and donating for that god like tier usertitle he has now.

I been around some clans latley my favorite of all time being this one, most recent one being CREAM and Catalyst.

Hope you guys take me back, peace.