I've decided to withdraw my application but I thought it would be respectful to come here and notify. thanks for reviewing it.
Hello my names Russkhof.

My age is 22

my GMT is a -7

the replays i do the most are parkour and spars

the game mode i go tryhard on is abd

Things about me are ive played toribash for 4 years im russian and mostly when i get home ill do play some toribash since i want to become very good and im a 5th dan belt

If you read this thank you for doing so have a nice day/night
im sorry for not giving you what you wanted and that was a long sentece for such on. So i have made this and maybe you will accept.1)The name i was given when i was born was Russkhof this name was given since im im russain we have these type of names.2) The age i have for now is a age of 22 year's old my birth day will come soon so making me 23.
3) i live right now in America, in california in the central vally where some of my family is there.4) The replays i do the most is parkour spars cork or just a skeet i do all of them plus tricking but yet again im not the best at tricking, when im doing these types of replays i try my best to look real in them.
5)Now most of my strengths are in ABD mostly and i will do good on judo these game modes i will try my best to win on i play these gamemodes most of the times when i dont have nothing to do.
6)Some things about me, Ive been playing toribash for a great amount of time. I was born in 1993 ive broken a lot of things such as pc's mostly because of rage i try my best not to and ive stoped now.I like to watch some dank memes or just try not laughs or thinigs like that. I like watching youtube and such and such. Ive been a gamer for 18 years mostly playing on systems like ps3 to ps4 and pc.

Thats all i had to improve i hope i can join obey with this application
“The age i have for now is a age of 22 year's old my birth day will come soon so making me 23.“

Who taught you English?.. ;3
Last edited by fred; Jan 4, 2018 at 12:39 PM.
Because I am a chef, I will showcase my gourmet skillset as an application. I've recently released a video of me preparing the classic Tide Pod (with a modern twist).

edit: Oh, and my friend got an endoscopy. Just in case you were wondering.