Originally Posted by jdawg2001 View Post
No, but i thought you would think you are really badass and try fight as the whole clan. I bet you think you are equal too 7 people.

lol no i dont think that, but i think i'm better than you bruh
no u

Originally Posted by Melqart View Post
rip downloaded league to play URF but it was removed
wasted 2 hours gg league is shit except URF

you just sux, deal with it ;)
no u

Originally Posted by Kido View Post
you just sux, deal with it ;)

urf is the only thing i downloaded league for and i also stopped playing league when urf was removed last time
fuck you league
cage the gargoyle
Downloaded lol. Mel prob just sux. Did you play on pvp or just noob stuff. Btw add me whoever plays it NakedApron.
"I never thought I'd test the full power of my ability on a naked girl though"
Originally Posted by RuriroNeko View Post
Downloaded lol. Mel prob just sux. Did you play on pvp or just noob stuff. Btw add me whoever plays it NakedApron.

na server bruh?
no u

Originally Posted by RuriroNeko View Post
Downloaded lol. Mel prob just sux. Did you play on pvp or just noob stuff. Btw add me whoever plays it NakedApron.

Pls I played league for ages and have more than 1000 hours on it.
And they stole my money and gave me shitty skins
cage the gargoyle