Shit man, that's awesome. Sweet SAT score too. Aiming to get 33+ next year to be more competitive at top Unis.

Almost the same deal here with a slightly different path. planning to maybe double/joint major in mathematics/economics with a minor in Arabic, then look into either PhD programs in Economics, law schools, or business schools for graduate school with a focus in international studies.

It's safe to say that my Mathematics, Economics, and Arabic courses excite me way more than they probably should.
Last edited by Fancy; Feb 5, 2015 at 03:03 AM.
nothing much

Not too much man, waiting to hear back on my own 'college' programs anxiously (' ' because they're essentially high school programs where you begin college two years early [cost-free, go Kentucky]) to see if I got an interview. Landing right in the average for accepted applicants in most aspects, so I'm certainly hopeful.

I need to get you your TC back, too. Would it be cool if I just send over $5 or so through paypal? My apologies for completely forgetting about that.
nothing much

Originally Posted by Fancy View Post
Not too much man, waiting to hear back on my own 'college' programs anxiously (' ' because they're essentially high school programs where you begin college two years early [cost-free, go Kentucky]) to see if I got an interview. Landing right in the average for accepted applicants in most aspects, so I'm certainly hopeful.

I need to get you your TC back, too. Would it be cool if I just send over $5 or so through paypal? My apologies for completely forgetting about that.

Buying me FNAF would be cool. Also, good to hear about your scores mate. Looking forward to hearing if you get the interview or not.
Whaddup guy
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Just finished reading all three books of The Maze Runner trilogy.
It was really good.

Any of you guys read stuff?
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
Just finished reading all three books of The Maze Runner trilogy.
It was really good.

Any of you guys read stuff?

I read plenty of books, most of them being series. Finishing up the Harry Potter series right now (yes, I've never read them or the movies before I picked them up a week or two ago). I've enjoyed them so far.

Anyone ever pick up the Gone novels?
Last edited by Creati0n; Feb 7, 2015 at 06:07 PM. Reason: Hahaha ha ha la dee la da
Never heard of the harry pitter series ;) but harry potter is awesomeee!!! And the maze runner
When (i) Grow Up, I Will Identify As An Attack Helicopter <3
Sometimes (i) realize life is fucking stupid