Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I think that Veigar is, from now, my favorite AP aggressive champ. His combo is sooo nasty with that 1k AP. I had 1,5k AP on Janna, but Veigar beats her to the ground.

Well I quit LoL for a little bit because I spent 1.5k on Veigar by accident thinking that I just wasted all the cash I worked for investing in a good character, if you find him good please tell me the basics on how you should use him
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
I still have to buy Trynda anyway. I will use these runes rather for trolling, than something serious :P

Also, what do you guys think about:


aiming for Xerath, I love his abilities, but damn, that spear, or dat laz0r!

Lux is absolute fun. Spamy ult, (spamy everything tbh). Great pusher, farmer, and just a bitch to the other team. Build some CDR and her ult goes to about ~25 sec Cooldown.

I'd say get her.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Well I quit LoL for a little bit because I spent 1.5k on Veigar by accident thinking that I just wasted all the cash I worked for investing in a good character, if you find him good please tell me the basics on how you should use him

Mana regen, AP, last hit with q... a lot.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
As far as quotes go from the game, the best has to be Nasus - "The cycle of life and death continues, we will live... they will die"

I played ad sona in ranked, at first team raged, then team thanked me for 12/1/2
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
manamune in sona... lol fivah.

Just had an epik game.

Me and my bro won completly but then i had a retard team, even the enemy was laughing at them.

1. squishie gp that rushes infinity edge and doesnt understand that atmas warmonger is better.
2. 0 10 wukong that dies in 1 sec and buys dmg instead of armor
3. a 1-5 at 15 minuts xerath in mid that doesnt try the champs for the first time against bots.

i went like 13-5-8 with sivir and my bro as lux went 3 - 0 -1x.

What an epik fail game, this matchmaker system...

And megadoomer you have the same amount at lvl 8/9.

Actually Sheen and infinity edge gangplank has INSANE poke.
Also, my first game as Xerath I went 9/3. Trying a character out verse bots teaches you nothing.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Actually Sheen and infinity edge gangplank has INSANE poke.
Also, my first game as Xerath I went 9/3. Trying a character out verse bots teaches you nothing.

Uhh, it lets you test out the skills, check out passives, how low minion health must be to last-hit determining on the new champions damage, let's you see what your character is like at full-build and testing out new builds, try out different skill trees to see which fits in, same with summoners spells, and a bunch of other stuff.
Originally Posted by IamnotFivah View Post
Uhh, it lets you test out the skills, check out passives, how low minion health must be to last-hit determining on the new champions damage, let's you see what your character is like at full-build and testing out new builds, try out different skill trees to see which fits in, same with summoners spells, and a bunch of other stuff.

Except that, you know. Bots are retarded and you can build fucking attack speed soraka and go 20/0. So you don't learn anything at all.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Except that, you know. Bots are retarded and you can build fucking attack speed soraka and go 20/0. So you don't learn anything at all.

Obviously it's not perfect, but it's better playing a new champion against players who've been playing theirs for many games and know how they work, which build to use, skills, summoner spells and strategies, right? No.