Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Bitches don't appreciate the harem genre.

not when it lacks substance and character exploration
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
You misunderstand. The writer kinda just throws his hands up and makes this girl fall in love to some random guy for no reason. Only harem I kinda liked really was Golden Time. Why? I haven't finished it because I stalled when episode 7 came out. lol
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
I was just practicing my tornado kick when I got too close to the wall and kicked accidentally. It was the perfect kick, but my ankles kinda hurt Q-Q

I can shovel you irl.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
not when it lacks substance and character exploration

Sometimes it does,because fucking COMPANY.
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
You misunderstand. The writer kinda just throws his hands up and makes this girl fall in love to some random guy for no reason. Only harem I kinda liked really was Golden Time. Why? I haven't finished it because I stalled when episode 7 came out. lol

Was it even harem? I remember it not being like one. And wow if the writer was you that's probably what you have done. Cx You see if you watch the anime,the company THROWS it off the real tracks after episode 8-12,not the writer. Trust me.
Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
I can shovel you irl.

breh, it has animu womans. waifu potential follows a linear growth pattern, where every extra womans means an extra waifu potential.

it is mathematically superior to all genres.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
breh, it has animu womans. waifu potential follows a linear growth pattern, where every extra womans means an extra waifu potential.

it is mathematically superior to all genres.

You cracked me,bruh.
Waifu= Will not marry cuz too gold.
Wife = Will marry but don't have one.
See what I mean? Cx
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
I was just practicing my tornado kick when I got too close to the wall and kicked accidentally. It was the perfect kick, but my ankles kinda hurt Q-Q

Oh my God, the nostalgia. I practiced Tae-kwon-do for seven years (I quit like four years ago) and I used to always hurt myself around the house practicing lmfao.

Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post
That's YOUR point of view in harems. It may be cliche but there are some anime that the protagonist really realizes he has his own harem and is just acting like a bonehead for the sake of their amusement. And how the heck do they "force them to fall in love" falls? I for one does not clearly understand the lack of depth the impact may uphold but I do not think they are "forced" to fall in love. If I were to ask you,if you happen to fall in love to somebody. And I say that you were just "forced" to fall in love with him(It's possible,Nic,you're gay.)/her you'll become agitated because I assumed,wouldn't you?

You'll have to show me a few of those harems you mentioned. It'd be refreshing seeing something new.

Anyways, have you heard the term Deus ex machima? It's when the author of a work introduces an element purely for the sake of directly bringing about some sort of outcome (versus bringing about an outcome using what is already included within the story, setting, or between the characters). The most common use is near the end of a story to bring about some sort of happy ending. You also see a lot of events that are forced purely for the sake of making a girl "fall in love" with the MC. To put it simply... the author just kinda... makes something happen. It has no cause, and is for the purpose of bringing about a desirable effect. Like making a girl fall in love. I feel like IS: Infinite Stratos would harbour a few examples but I cba to go check. Uhm... I'm struggling to think of examples, because I know I feel like I've seen this happen in places, but I'm not entirely sure. Hmm.... I remember in Is This a Zombie? Haruna just kinda falls in love with Ayumu for no reason. I mean, this asshole put her out of work (albiet he is making up for that by giving her food and a roof over her head) and she just falls in love with him. There's no development there, it just happens. First she's pissed at him, and a few episodes later she's causing a scene in public because she's jealous of him and Yuki being together.

I don't really mind cliches in anime, really. I just mind when the cliches are shallow. Like I said, I like harems for the sake of how fun and lighthearted they can be, but if I'm looking for substantial I'll never go look one up.

Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
You misunderstand. The writer kinda just throws his hands up and makes this girl fall in love to some random guy for no reason. Only harem I kinda liked really was Golden Time. Why? I haven't finished it because I stalled when episode 7 came out. lol


Allthouuuuugggghhhh..... Finish Golden Time! Once you get past that whole "For no reason" incident, it turns out to be a pretty great drama. I wouldn't really call it a harem, either. If anything, it'd be a love triangle of sorts, but I can't really see that either. Imo it's a straight romance. Finish it! Finish it! Please? For me? <3
Anime Debate Thread?
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
I may or may not have gotten a little carried away lmfao. I don't like the term debate though >.> That makes it sound a lot more cold and hostile than it is... Let's call it a friendly discussion?
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
Oh my God, the nostalgia. I practiced Tae-kwon-do for seven years (I quit like four years ago) and I used to always hurt myself around the house practicing lmfao.

You'll have to show me a few of those harems you mentioned. It'd be refreshing seeing something new.

Anyways, have you heard the term Deus ex machima? It's when the author of a work introduces an element purely for the sake of directly bringing about some sort of outcome (versus bringing about an outcome using what is already included within the story, setting, or between the characters). The most common use is near the end of a story to bring about some sort of happy ending. You also see a lot of events that are forced purely for the sake of making a girl "fall in love" with the MC. To put it simply... the author just kinda... makes something happen. It has no cause, and is for the purpose of bringing about a desirable effect. Like making a girl fall in love. I feel like IS: Infinite Stratos would harbour a few examples but I cba to go check. Uhm... I'm struggling to think of examples, because I know I feel like I've seen this happen in places, but I'm not entirely sure. Hmm.... I remember in Is This a Zombie? Haruna just kinda falls in love with Ayumu for no reason. I mean, this asshole put her out of work (albiet he is making up for that by giving her food and a roof over her head) and she just falls in love with him. There's no development there, it just happens. First she's pissed at him, and a few episodes later she's causing a scene in public because she's jealous of him and Yuki being together.

I don't really mind cliches in anime, really. I just mind when the cliches are shallow. Like I said, I like harems for the sake of how fun and lighthearted they can be, but if I'm looking for substantial I'll never go look one up.


Allthouuuuugggghhhh..... Finish Golden Time! Once you get past that whole "For no reason" incident, it turns out to be a pretty great drama. I wouldn't really call it a harem, either. If anything, it'd be a love triangle of sorts, but I can't really see that either. Imo it's a straight romance. Finish it! Finish it! Please? For me? <3

Get on skype and I'll feed you lots of my love,I mean recommendations.
And bullshit like those you mentioned are the worst of their sorts.
You can even throw in hxh,new testament of the sister devil and other shit-related old animes for those fucking bullshits. They're mostly for the sake of fanservice and wasn't well thought. God,if I were to make my harem manga turned to anime,I'd put much effort and thought to it.
And yes,Spar. Finish it.
Last edited by DiuwayBuns; Oct 25, 2015 at 03:40 AM.