Alright cool. On our school trip, some people had to be sent back for smoking (I mean why?! We're 13!!!)...

And hello Rainbowz and Arbalest!
Proud member of Pandora
Haha, that reminds me, I had a dream that some people bought me medical marijuana for like a present of some sort?
And when my mom went to sleep I took it, rolled it up, made a joint then lit it and smoked it.
I SO wish it was real, is that bad?
And then my brain made up being what being 'high' felt. IT WAS AWESOME.
Last edited by fluffykat; Sep 23, 2011 at 01:39 PM.
Originally Posted by kaddon View Post
Alright cool. On our school trip, some people had to be sent back for smoking (I mean why?! We're 13!!!)...

And hello Rainbowz and Arbalest!

Hiya, *waves*

Also. I keep getting holes in my socks, why does that keep happening!? I like my damn socks... Without holes...
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
I like learning! I just don't learn very much in school.

I need a hairstyle.

Ate vietnamese noodles made by chinese people, was not very tasty. Library. Uh. Can't wait to get home. Oh, but aikido today. Yeah.
I miss aikido..
Anyways during lunch me and my friend (the hairy guy) sit by ourselves and eat in the gym. So this kid who has been Bugging and annoying us, technically bullying, comes in with his friend. He's in fucking 7th grade and I'm in 10th I don't even understand.
So he goes up to my friend and insults his appearance and calls me his 'girlfriend' and how we should go make out.
So I tell my friend 'should I?' and he's like 'yes'.
We both get up, corner both of them, then the guy we wanna get at runs and climbs up a table like the pussy he is. I go 'Wow you're such a pussy, scared to fight a girl?' Then my friend pulls him down from the table, I grab him by the shirt in the most violent way I can and start punching and kicking him while he's on the floor.
Of course he snitches on us with his stupid little sarcastic face and the teacher talks to us.
The teacher doesn't fucking know how it feels to be bullied and pushed to the point where you can't control yourself. Just because he's 'small' he gets to get away with it.

Sorry, long paragraph.
Last edited by fluffykat; Sep 24, 2011 at 04:55 AM.
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
Stupid kid.

lol, great input/contribution there fruit.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
But that kid was stupid.

Aikido today. Going to get my yellow belt sometime soon?

So like our system is different from Fluffs's...