Snap was it a nice restaurant? Because if it was fast good then that's terrible xD
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Eh it had decent reviews.But it wasnt really worth it.It was really fucking big but tasted awful
Yeah don't buy food there lol

I usually go every year since I live pretty close to the falls anyways. Its really nice if you go there at night time and see the lights on the falls pretty cool.

Also a few of the haunted houses aren't too bad, but the maid of the mist is hella worth
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Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
Also a few of the haunted houses aren't too bad, but the maid of the mist is hella worth

The haunted houses were meh, at least when I went.
Ferris wheel gives the best view of the falls, you can see so much.

Wax museum was cool though.
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Im jelly i never saw any of these wax museums or haunted houses. The last time i went was like 7 years ago or something tho lol
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Last time I went to a was musuem I was in missouri on vacation (Birthplace of rko out of nowwhere)

And we had an awesome time.Have an album of us taking selfies with the was figures
rip no one is talking >.> sooo hows everyone doing? hows the weather
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eh i'm fine. Someone left a nice note on my front porch.

"Would you please stop sending me those texts richard"

My neighbor is named richard ;-;
Haha did you pass it onto Richard? Also, if they are texting why are they leaving messages on eachothers front porches??
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