Ewwwwwww!!! He has bloody chicken pox! Text is ugly, the 'circlish lines' effect at the bottom is ugly, doesn't fit in, render doesn't fit at all.
<how I express stuff when I'm high>
Ahem... Announcing a new event for y'all to participate in

Pimp My Ride

Hope you have fun with it as I did the model.
id just like to say well done to hanz0 and xFACEx
lately you guys have picked up the quality and design of texture making ALOT
i still remember when you guys first started with this crap...

I had the whole market/request section like locked down before you guys showed up(xept for if werd or someone showed up), then you guys come in and if we all post a design its like "wtf is gna win this time??"

xFACEx your art in general has improved like insanely! sigs/anamations and textures, all round designer now =D
Hanz0, your heads and hands looking really good man =D

lol, well done bois
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Lawl (i r the unmentioned guy)
xFACEx: I am jealous of your uber graphics XD Those effects on the tori are awesome. Do you make those animations in GIMP or Photoshop?
Hanz0: ZOMG!!!! AUTOMATIC UBERNESS FOR HALO HEADS!! (bows down in respect)
Appreciate it a lot, BenD. Really means a lot to be getting compliments like that from you.

Also, got a big project that'll be released soon. It's not a texture set... ;)

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
I agree with BenD, Defdinitely you two habe bumped your art up to legend status....

BTW, God of war sig Mk2
Sorted out the text a bit, extended the twirly line thingys, added some more round the back of kratos, buffed up the back ground, and created a nice 'art behind art thing'. Whaddya think?

I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
(apparently when the unmentioned guy speaks, he is also unnoticeable. Just call me Double U from now on @.@ XD)

@hanz0: can't wait :P
@toritori: Mmm..Looks much better. But I think the "Kratos' " back could use a little blending in..also his chest, and forehead.
still looks the same... the changes i mentioned were meant to be more... drastic...

@ hanz0: wd on the Zaks set...

Iv made too many sets
iv sold 20 full sets and filled another 20 odd requests for individual pieces...
reckon im all outa ideas for sets...

i might finish that set i was working on for zakerie and adjust it to my own personal liking...
but thatl be eventually...

<--think il retire while im ahead =P
time to get active ingame again
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
the ice head looks ok, more detail, maybe a crack or shader
i reccomend not scrolling down to far, there might be something unpleasant, randomly selected images

the god