Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm starting to be quite alright with Juggernaut.
Rush Soul ring then Poor Man's, Phase, Yasha, Deso, Manta.
If I'm rich I'll switch Poor Man's for Butterfly.

I still have some problems maintaining Mana, can someone enlighten me?
Especially late game, when the ulti is like 275 or so.

Also, I have to play Juggernaut now I have Izoku, looks so much better!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I still have some problems maintaining Mana, can someone enlighten me?
Especially late game, when the ulti is like 275 or so.

battlefury and aghanim's, moe regen, moe mana, problem solved.
scratch the soul ring, your HP is low enough. if early mana is a problem, consider trying out the CM + jug lane combo, ice hold + spin is evil.
not a fan of the manta, dont see the point in it tbh, your primary damage dealer is your ulti and baldefury, and manta on a melee hero is just useless unless youre in a one on one man fight.
the usual build is phase, battlefury, aghanims, deso, butterfly and MKB.
cannot emphasize enough, the importance of aghanims, the extra jumps are crazy.

if youre not all that into going for standard builds, try having a look at items like mjolnir, skadi, basher/abyssal, diff blade etc. items with effects work during both your ulti and bladefury.
personally, im a big fan of diff blade or skadi with a mjolnir.
the chain lightning from maelstrom can boost your farm almost as much as a battlefury does, so grab that asap.
having a poison orb slow during bladefury at like level 2-5 is just broken OP, especially with the slow from CM nova, give it a try.
and you can cast the purge from diff blade while in spin and ulti (i think)
same as how you can use your phase boots while in spin.

also, dont neglect learning healing ward early, in a team fight, they can never kill that ward fast enough, so even if its out for like 5 seconds, its done its job.
id recommend getting atleast a level of it befor maxxing your crits out.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Also, I have to play Juggernaut now I have Izoku, looks so much better!

yeah, managed to pick up a few items from drops and stuff, got an odachi and recently picked up that exiled ronin set during the 75% off sale, he pretty much looks like the business.
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 9, 2014 at 12:04 AM.
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I always liked the straight aghs right after ring of health (phase+ring -> aghs). Besides the lost farm from the battlefury's passive, you can go ganking with him.

Also, the orb of venom doesn't sound bad at all, will try that with some friends.
I always liked the straight aghs right after ring of health (phase+ring -> aghs). Besides the lost farm from the battlefury's passive, you can go ganking with him.

Also, the orb of venom doesn't sound bad at all, will try that with some friends.
Last edited by Tinerr; Jan 10, 2014 at 05:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
I always liked the straight aghs right after ring of health (phase+ring -> aghs). Besides the lost farm from the battlefury's passive, you can go ganking with him.

its advisable to get a decent damage item befor finishing up aghs, its a team fight item, your regular ulti should be able to kill someone without aghs, and you should really not be going into a teamfight without a proper damage item.
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IMO phase->battlefury is better because it boosts your farm speed a lot, fixes mana and hp problems and has good damage.

I'm not convinced that aghs is a good choice of items... Of course it depends on what the rest of your team is doing, but IMO it delays better items in exchange for something that I don't think is really his job. But like I said, it depends on your team - if you don't have good enough gankers/support/burst/CC to get kills without buffing omnislash...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I'm not convinced that aghs is a good choice of items... Of course it depends on what the rest of your team is doing, but IMO it delays better items in exchange for something that I don't think is really his job. But like I said, it depends on your team - if you don't have good enough gankers/support/burst/CC to get kills without buffing omnislash...

without aghanims, a jugger should still be able to 1v1 most heroes in the game.
the idea behind aghs is that, with the extra 3 jumps, you should be able to kill off an extra support in a team fight.
3 hits with one crit should kill off most supports, so with 12 jumps, youd be guaranteed to get atleast 2, but with 9, you'd only be guaranteed one. cannot underestimate 3 extra jumps with crits.
not to mention the extra second or two of invulnerability/magic immunity.(unless someone has a blademail, in which case youre fucked anyway)
with ganks, that mostly happen early on, you'd be relying more on spin than your ulti, but at that point, you'd still be farming your battlefury anyway.
also reduces the downfall of hitting a creep during ulti, you still have more to jump.

Its not delaying better items, it is the better item, regardless of what your team is doing.

The only time id suggest NOT getting aghs, would be if their whole team has blademails, blademail gets you killed REAL fast during ult.
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 12, 2014 at 02:15 AM.
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Hmm, I read this a bit too late.

For the last couple of days I've been playing like this:

Soul Ring, Boots of Speed, Drum of Endurance, Phase Boots, Shadow Blade, Basher.
More of a support role as the people I play pubs with are fucking greedy idiots that never buy wards or whatever.

I love the ring as it gives me a free Healing Ward or Blade Fury and it's cheap.
The Drum also works wonders for me, cheap stats and movement and attack speed which is crucial in the early midgame for me. Shadow Blade is my escape, it's just a safety item. Not too sure on it although I had loads of fun with it. Basher with Omnislash is just delicious. I upgrade this to Abyssal in the late game. I'll switch Soul Ring for Perseverance into Linken's in the late game, switch TP scroll for Boots of Travel and Phase Boots for either Desolator or Diffusal, depending on the opposition. That's only if I'm rich, of course.
I'm thinking about leaving Basher and going straight for Desolator.

My build is always Blade, stats, Blade, Ward, Blade, Omni, Blade and then I differ from crits or ward, depending on the opposition.

I didn't get Izoku from a drop, I traded it on Dotatrade.com for a random rare and some uncommons.
You should check it out ;]
Last edited by AlphasoniK; Jan 14, 2014 at 01:26 PM.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Isn't your escape press blade then double click tp scroll? Dunno what I think of SB...

IMO it's better to let support get a drum since 900gp of it's benefit is aural.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
a rare and some uncommons for izoku? not sure i would have gone for that tbh, would have given you my one for free.

drums is a nice item, the extra 9 stats are usefull. the MS boost is nice, but negligible.
mostly just makes you more effective early. a support could get it, but you could get it faster, its fine either way.
if youre going for a drums build, then id go full race car build and go for a Sange n yasha, the maim from sange works in ulti and spin, so its fine, just skip that level of stats and focus getting your crits up early. a maim from ulti or spin, should guarantee you a kill.
id suggest a manta, but i dont rate it as an item on juggernaught, i think the mirror image is a waste on him.

shadowblade is more for engaging, they cant run away from you if they cant see you and wont dust if they dont know youre there, pretty much a free kill if you can find someone on their own, also gives you more room to find an ideal target to ulti in a teamfight.
using it as an escape is silly, they know when youre running away so they can just dust ezpz.
spin is a much better escape.
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Ah, I see.
I mostly use the Shadow Blade for the movement speed bonus, when Phase Boots is down.
When I escape I Blade Fury, Phase Boots and then Shadow Blade.

Of course I use it to get an attack in for the 150 extra damage :]

I agree that TP is a great escape in combination with Blade Fury, however I do like to stay in the fight and with Shadow Blade in combination with my Healing Wards I can stay and get a few more hits in to help my team.

I think I'm switching out Shadow Blade for Yasha into Manta late game.
Kind of disagree about the illusions being useless, they do mad damage!
The extra agility is nice too.

I need the level of stats for the Blade Fury into Omnislash combination.
Or the other way around of course. I struggle if I don't get a point in stats early game.

And thanks Matt, that's mighty kind. I'm such a noob with trading, I have no idea what everything is worth haha.
Not that I care much, I really wanted the mask.
Keep an eye out for Juggernauts Battle Banner, I'll trade a lot for that!

I can think about switching Drum for another item with better value for money but I can't think of one..

Thanks for the help gents, you're making me rethink all my decisions :D
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.