Got me some new runes:

Armour Pen quints.
Armour Pen Marks.
Mana Regen / 5 sec Seals.
Cooldown Reduction Glyphs.

These on Talon are win.
25 base Armour Pen is amazing.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Got me some new runes:

Armour Pen quints.
Armour Pen Marks.
Mana Regen / 5 sec Seals.
Cooldown Reduction Glyphs.

These on Talon are win.
25 base Armour Pen is amazing.

You really should have gotten mana regen/5 per level rather than flat mana regen, they are SO much better for the price. The mana regen from per levels evens out with the flat ones around level 6 or so, which is within the first 10 minutes of the game, and then they just get better.

Gotta love playing support, we were getting demolished to start with then I gathered everyone mid, bought some mana regen and went to town baby.
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
You really should have gotten mana regen/5 per level rather than flat mana regen, they are SO much better for the price. The mana regen from per levels evens out with the flat ones around level 6 or so, which is within the first 10 minutes of the game, and then they just get better.

Talon needs that early game regen.
Doesn't bother me having flats, I see it as better tbh.
If not, I have 15k ip coming from dodge refund.
So All good.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
i have mp5 blue and yellow, as long as you save your mana a bit by not spamming, these ones are way better then flat.

i got 1 movespeed big and im gona get the other 2 but the christmas edition, gonna save 1k ip
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
I've got 2 rune pages and some other runes I don't use. All tier 3

1st page, using mostly at Janna:
+34 AP

2nd page, specially for Ezreal:
+11 mana regen/5 at 18
-8,62% cdr at 18
+25 a pen

also I've got some free runes that I don't use, or I am slowly collecting to have full sets later:

9x +0,93% crit chance
9x +0,95 dmg

4x +0,42% crit chance
1x +1,1 dmg at 18

2x +1,9% crit chance
3x +4,5 dmg at 18

yep, I am slowly building full crit rune page for Trynda, Gp and Yi. maybe I'll use it on Ezreal for easy start too :P
Critchance isn't as fun as it used to be before trynda rework. Just saying, you might feel disappointed.

Also Megadoomer is right, flat manareg is just not worth it compared to per level.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Like really, I dont have the exact numbers, but you will have the SAME amount of mana regen from flat mana regen from per levels around level 5 or so, and then after that it only gets better.

If you're somehow spammy enough to run out of mana a lot before level 6 you're doing something terribly wrong as talon. Not to mention that talon doesn't even need any extra mana regen in the first place.