Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
I know of Sknock's situation.
His main account had been banned. He applied here with Sknock. Now his main is unbanned so he wants to join with that now. Totally fine by me. He's becoming more active and I have faith in him.

I read the previous posts between flux and ugo. And it looks to me like (1) flux blew up on ugo for almost no reason, and (2) flux really doesn't like ugo.

If there's going to be constant conflict between the two of you, I can tell you right now it's not going to end well for one of you. Stop it right now or there will be consequences.

Its ok Emo, also a lot of people don't like C&C that much... For those of you that do not know that C&C is its constructive criticism. I personally don't like it when someone says "oh yea that looks nice" or "well yea that kinda looks bad" or "yea... thats good". So when some one asks "please tell me what you think and tell me if you like it" I say "I like that image, over all its good, but there is a few things that would make it look better" < my opinion. Also I am a little blunt at times and im sorry for that, so what I say is "be truthful or don't say anything". Just a personal opinion I guess.

Edit: I also usually try to post on things I know the facts about. If I don't post on something its probably because I have no idea about it or im not on the threads. Lol

Edit: Im sorry if I started the fight.
Last edited by ugonadie6; Oct 20, 2012 at 05:24 PM.

Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
I know of Sknock's situation.
His main account had been banned. He applied here with Sknock. Now his main is unbanned so he wants to join with that now. Totally fine by me. He's becoming more active and I have faith in him.

I read the previous posts between flux and ugo. And it looks to me like (1) flux blew up on ugo for almost no reason, and (2) flux really doesn't like ugo.

If there's going to be constant conflict between the two of you, I can tell you right now it's not going to end well for one of you. Stop it right now or there will be consequences.

(1) What the hell? (2) I hate no one in this clan. And with the "power" you have you can say what ever you want because no one is going to question you.

EDIT: I try not to get under peoples skin, and I don't. Treat others how you wish to be treated.

EDIT: Don't worry ugo, emo has got it wrong.
Last edited by fluxpony; Oct 20, 2012 at 05:31 PM.
Leader of nothing
Originally Posted by iPoor View Post
oh.. yeah I need someone who can teach me how to use GIMP or photshop cs2

Im more of a gimp person myself but I also have photoshop, skilled in both. =3

Edit: Ive got CS4

Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
with the "power" you have you can say what ever you want because no one is going to question you.

Treat others how you wish to be treated.

I'm no power abuser. I read the posts. Ugo said "its looking good, but remember the 4 rules of writing. You already had characterization down and the story looked like it was leading up to something."
You replied "I'm tired of you talking down to me, controlling me, etc"
When ugo replied, you said to him "your innocence act amuses me"

1. I'm stating the facts, ugo tried to help u and u freaked on him. I'm not saying irrational things just because nobody will question me (and if you read the other posts you would see that L3rk shares my opinion).

2. I guess I'm treating you like this because this is how you treat your fellow artists from time to time (let's not forget DanWebb11.)

I hope that this behavior doesn't continue. End of discussion.

Anyways. Ipoor - there are multitudes of tutorials on how to use gimp 2.0 and CS4 on YouTube. Those may help you get a hold of the basic features. But I think what will help you the most is just fooling around with the programs will ultimately help you the most.