Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Anyone who has not been denied as of now, apologies for the wait.

Some hiccups with the recruitment process, but you should get an answer here soon.
sorry everyone has been denied thus far please reapply in 2 weeks with a stronger application thank you
Quote: Melon Please change your signature to anything else.
Name: Giovanni
Competitive mods: Abd,Mushu,BoxhuMushu,Greykido
General stuff: Well I try to be nice all the time try to help if i can and to learn more

If i am with yall i stay with yall if i help yall i keep helping yall i will be on most days

Active on forums:7-10
Active in-game:9-10
I'm an alt bec i lost my old acc
Hello, my name is Sam. You can call me Mango.
I thought id give joining a clan a go since I've idolised the higher ranking players for quite some time and this seems to be the most badass clan ( Parrot close second )
Ive been playing since 2012 and I am 18 years of age, I own my own engineering company in real life and also create art work in my spare time.
I have given making textures a go ever since I made my account in 2012.

The reason I think id make a good member of your clan is because I am committed when it comes to becoming a part of something.
In game id say my best style of fighting is freestyle, I'm best in aikido. Can beat down on them 1-10 dan black belts like there my lil bitches. My KD isn't great but since I had a break from the game my ratio is improving at a fast rate , I have a better understanding of the game now I'm a little older. If I were to become a member I would happily use my skills in Photoshop to create art work for the clan and modify things if need be.
If you like what you hear so far I shall go on, I have a lot to offer that I'm sure of that.
It would be nice to belong to something in game and know that there will be people online at all times to play along side. Lemme know fella x

Heres a picture of me just so you know how sexy I am xx ;)
I am IronMan
Hello guys, what's up? I've decided it's time to do try and see if i can join this great unit you have here.

So here is my app:

I am a 16 years old teenager in the 10th class. I am living in Romania (East Europe), in the south part of the country, in a city crossed by Danube. It's a nice city, a small one i could say with only 28k citizens but is ok with little, not so much noises. Ok so how i said at the start i am in the 10th grade at school and my dreams for future is that to become a big economist. I know it needs hard work and studies, but i feel i can do it. Now about my hobbies and what i like to do in my free time. I really like to do sports, not only one a lot of them, i played and still enjoy the football (played it 2 years), tennis (played it 1 year), swimming (i enjoyed it 3 years and i still do it), cross and now i'm going to GYM to put on some muscles. D: I would like to try basketball also or handball gonna see if i can do them. In my free time if i am not doing homework, i like staying with my family or playing with my pets (2 dogs and a cat ^^), or maybe doing some gaming time. Also i have a guitar from 1972 which i really like to play at it and feel the music that it make, an acordio from 1980 but i don't really use this one.
GMT: +3 As my studys, i'm studying English since 2nd grade and i'm doing tutoring at English since 4th grade so my English skills would be 7-8 out of 10. As other things from school objects i like anything with math in it, my native language and maybe some biology? Anyway, for me the most important thing right now are my studys until i finsh them, then maybe i would say the other things from my life. As how i look, i'm very tall, nearly 2m (now having around 1.94m), black hair, brown eyes, well build but how i said going to gym to put on some ''cannons'' ;) and i'm white. (no racism here, but maybe u wanted to know D: ) I can use anything to be in touch with you guys, teamspeak, skype, discord(even tho i really dislike skype and discord) etc.

Now my Toribash activity:

Well i started this game 4 and a half years ago in July 2012 and first time i played this was kinda like: what the fuck is this game....3D porn maybe? But after i became blue belt i really enjoined this game and now look at me i am 10th dan. I can't lie and don't say i wasn't ban so far or got some infractions, what you want know all of us did it. ^^ I am skilled player in game, but i am sad to say i can't help the clan with any skills like art making or video making or editing... Performance is what i want from me, and i think Obey would be a big challenge for me. My past clans are FC (i was leader of FC and stayed in this clan for like 6 months before it went down), The Shield, Fvipers and Nitro (spent like 11 months in this clan before members started to fight each other) and last but not least Piratez (i've decided to leave this clan because it was too inactive for me and i want to actually talk and have fun in a clan. I've spent most of my clan time here, 1 year and 4 months) so if we talk here about loyality about clans, i can be loyal to any clan if they are also with me. I am active on forum like everyday, but my ingame activity went down so i can be active ingame any time you want and need me but i don't really play the game so often now, maybe 4-5 times a month. I can help the clan with ingame events or something like that. Also the fact that this is a forum releated clan is more enjoyable for me. As my favorite mods/best, my fav mods would be any judo mod, any akido mod, leshu, rk-mma, taekyon, jousting and greykido, as best mod i can say judo is my best mod out there.

As for the replays, i lost all my replays that i had and i didn't do any new replays for a while, but if it is really needed i could add some later.

So here it is, didn't do an app for a clan for like 1 year or more so don't hate me guys D:, i know this isn't my best but i tried no? Now i can wait as long as you need to get a decission. Have a great day.
Last edited by azzeffir23; Feb 28, 2017 at 09:06 PM.
mango i am sorry but you have been denied try again in 2 weeks

azzeffir23 you are under discussion
Quote: Melon Please change your signature to anything else.
Can i have some feedback please Zack, I cant make any progress if you dont tell me what i need to work on. I dont want to apply again in 2 weeks just to be pared off again ahah. Cheers fella.
I am IronMan