Originally Posted by Nearly View Post
its a no from me, i don't see anything that wow's me

that's unfortunate
the goblin
Originally Posted by SruX View Post
3rd times the charm

They're ok but they need to improve of the general areas of smoothness and cohesiveness. No for now.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
based on the replays that aren't martyr you're at the stage where you're competent at playing the game but you haven't quite figured out your own style yet, but then you made martyr which is a pretty sweet replay, though you did get into some pretty awkward positioning i.e the starting of the opener and when you got the decap on uke. its a no for now but keep workin buddy you're doing a fine job.
wow that
i'm a noob but i hope i'll get yes coz i'm so suck.
Attached Files
[Alpha][ xC ][P].rpl (267.7 KB, 20 views)
[Alpha][ Windmill ][M].rpl (229.5 KB, 18 views)
[Alpha][ NightFall ][M].rpl (82.7 KB, 14 views)
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
running sure is commendable i mean i can't do it very well but parkours are more interesting with twists and stuff you know, put a little variety in there. the manipulation was going well right up until you stopped and your chest was rotated at an odd angle and the grab was weird and its a glitched. started out strong though. nightfall was eh. btw i've seen all of these replays before so i must be an avid alphanoob fan or something. anyway its a no but hey you got running down.
wow that