Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Also, why does everyone ask me if I'm selling TC? :V
I don't ever sell.
Ever. :V

Because you have over 300k...

Originally Posted by Picasa View Post
hi kershner, whats ur skype hoe

I'm only a hoe on the weekdays, Picasa.
Casey.Kershner, the one with the ugly guy in the picture is mine.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by -Kas- View Post
What happened exactly? I wanna know :3
Nice avvy btw

thanks. its hamrugtoo or how u spell it.
let's say some dumbass try to scam someone and i got involved somehow.
Originally Posted by PerfectBro View Post
thanks. its hamrugtoo or how u spell it.
let's say some dumbass try to scam someone and i got involved somehow.

Yeah. Someone stole one of Vitiek's Head Textures, and sold it to me.
I sold it to PerfectBro, and I had gotten a notificaton from Deuteria saying not to sell it, but he was late. :L

My bad PerfectBro.
Didn't know until it was done. ;c
Last edited by Creati0n; Dec 29, 2013 at 10:28 PM.
Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Yeah. Someone stole one of Vitiek's Head Textures, sold it to me.
I sold it to PerfectBro, and I had gotten a notificaton from Deuteria saying not to sell it, but he was late. :L

My had PerfectBro.
Didn't know until it was done. ;c

Did you mean this person?
If so, i've just bough a VitieK head from him.
Nooooooooooooooooooo D:
What a obvious scam.