boogey3s Application
STUFF ABOUT ME: My name is Deklyn but online i am normally called Boogey or Shadowbomb my age is 15 i live in the state of Alabama so my GMT is -6, Since my age is 15 i still go to school but im home schooled So i am basically always online, Mostly i play Toribash and if im not playing Toribash im Normally playing Cs:Go or just messing around on the PS4

WHY I WANT TO BE IN OBEY: i like the clan and alot of the community, there is one obey member that brags about being dipped in butter who has a ego of Oprah, And i was told to try to get in through application by
(Hattersin, Zack, Fred) I would say Icon but he just wants me to buy TC from him, Hattersin told me to mention his name so i did should i say something nice? Hattersin if your reading this, Fight me, Anytime, Anywhere, Any mod

I do have a parkour replay i did with Zack wait no i mean Butter dipped Oprah
its just down there somewhere vvvvv maybe

And i cant leave Ember because the stupid clan leader made a war to 25 YESTERDAY and he cant end it and he wont kick me and i cant quit!!

Sorry my application is so short im not the best at applications
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Last edited by boogey3; Feb 8, 2017 at 10:37 AM.
hey there my dudes over at [Obey]. i've liked obey ever since i first played against their memebers, which was ugkratos hattersin kolorz and cheshyre, back in 2014. i had also sent an app back in 2015 but it got rejected because i didnt make it freeform xd. im dankator, as you can see im a black belt, but dont worry im not a legit black belt, i was banned because i said a bad word in estourney and i realized the second half of the word after i pressed enter on my keyboard. oh yeah, my main is ancient.

so, lets start this application off with, i am 12 years of age, and i was born on the 15th of june, 2004. and i am in 6th grade. i prefer to think of myself as a smart kid? i live in ireland, which would be making my timezone GMT+0. when i move to later(coming up later on this paragraph) my gmt will be +1. i come from my mothers womb which was done over at latvia. though, over this year my mother has come up with a great plan, to move to germany just because she found a really cheap apartment with 3 bedrooms like smh. i speak 2 languages fluently, and i am currently learning one. the two is latvian and english, the one that im learning right now is german. my parents are divorced, due to abuse from my dad. my mother is kind of deaf in one ear thanks to him. i dont really have any other hobbies other than touching some random keys with my oily fingers for fun. i have been thinking of taking up swimming though. i am pretty active on both, the game and the forums, but i think that im just a tad-bit more activer on the forums. a way of proving this, is that my alt(this account) has over 120 posts, and my main Ancient has almost 1.7k posts. i also have some experience on this game, as my join date is 2013, and i am a 10th dan black belt. i have also gotten one namechange before, i went from realmee > Ancient. i'm deciding whether i should get another namechange or no. there's a few people that i know in Obey, the main people being Hattersin, trestet fred and nimblethief. i dont really know if im okay with nimble though, someone told me that he had said bad things about me :^(.

the mods that i am the best at, in my opinion is aikidobigdojo and everything striking related. and on the right days, im okay at erthtk. oh yeah and i duel in aikido and boxshu, just an fyi. if there is anything that i could ever give to this beautiful clan, other than i guess i like warring and im a pretty good player, my opinion though. of course, im going to post some replays over here, though i only have like 3 or 2 because i just downloaded a fresh new steam client. the past clans that i've been in, its a few but the ones that i can remember honestly is the first clan that i was in, (Dick) which later got a namechange to (vagina) for some reason. i was in the clan for a month or two and it didnt get removed or anything and i was pretty surprised at that. then i joined FC, for the first time back in 2014 when it just got made by FleshMon, though i got kicked for one week of inactivity. on the summer of 2014, i joined a clan called (moenergy) and i was in until the end of summer, and joined at the start. i got kicked from it because the owner was really immature and dumb, he thought that the fact that i hadn't warred for over 2 weeks means that i am inactive, and therefore kicked me. the rest is blank for me, but over at the end of 2015, i applied for nitro and got in. i was there for like a month or two but i got kicked because one of the higher ups invited one of his friends, and i had a problem with it because he was a legit blue belt, and the only reason he had invited him was because he knows him from real life. so after i got kicked, the leader handled it but i didnt really want to join back. then at 2016 october, i got invited to join FC again, by the new leader, Merc, who is zenboy123. i got kicked because merc doesn't like me. then the next clan that i joined was nu, from which i got kicked because i got banned. (it was kind of a joke clan anyway.) and then i applied with a big ass lookin' ass application to FC and got back in, me and merc settled a few things, and i thought that i was going to stay there forever. of course, this all changed yesterday when i realized that he tried scamming me for 2,000$. he tried to get me to send 2k$ to him earlier, but during a clan war with wapow me and Shhhmikes found out that he sent a mass message to everyone, and apparently everyone got one. (dont know if anyone in obey got it though). so after the clan war, i left. i guess that we've caught up to the present now.

some of the games that i play are Toribash(as you could've guessed) brawlhalla, digimon maters online and adventure quest 3d. i have both skype and a discord, my discord being اريك#5761 oh crap, it switched it around xd. i guess i can add you guys if it doesnt work you. i like music, like a lot of music. almost all genres except for rock. though what i most like is trap. i've sort of run out of what to say :/. if you guys want to know anything more about me, just shoot me a pm and stuff, i'd be happy to answer the question for you guys. that's been all for my app, thank you all for reading, my replays are below this.
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based ancient.rpl (85.8 KB, 2 views)
ya'll suck.rpl (77.1 KB, 2 views)
the saves.rpl (90.8 KB, 2 views)
HELLO MENS HOW IS DO BRO? my name are smurferbelt i start are toribash in 2017 but is fas tlearner bro very nice men very good pro i are from mexico men very gun very shoot oki me hope is join THANKS BRO MENNNN
Not Denied: Delayer and Idle Denied: everyone else

Fred y U do dis
Last edited by Frost; Feb 9, 2017 at 08:29 PM.