Originally Posted by perica
Got burned at the pool today. SHIT IT HURTS !!!

So, is that HOT ??
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Originally Posted by perica View Post
What do you mean by 'diving'?
The sun burned me, not the water.

(this sounds so stupid)

Lol I thought that you actually dived in a lava pool or something.

Anyhow I still haven't been swimming. In my countryside where I'll stay the rest of the summer there is a beach nearby. But the water is shit cold.

Also sand is only there for tricking purposes for me. I still need to polish my b-twist and backflip.
Lava pool sounds Great!

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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
rolled over to here for a minute to ask you guys why are you never in irc... not implying that I hang around there 24/7... well I would but cide took my power :'<
[11:03] <Murmayder> I AM A WALRUS