Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Best Clan Ever!
hi guys i would like to join this clan
i am skillz88 but you can call me skillz if you like
belt -brown nearly black
favourite mod(s) - aikido,judo and wushu
GMT - sorry i do not know...sorry
best mod - wushu or aikido
why you want to join - cos this clan is well known and sounds very good and organised to and i will contribute well to this clan to
thanks for your time
yes sure here are some of my replays
hi guys here are the replays you wanted
thirs one i was messing about lol
if you want more replays just ask
Attached Files
great aikido game!.rpl (65.8 KB, 7 views)
reversal master.rpl (30.4 KB, 6 views)
Originally Posted by skillz88 View Post
so does anyone like KROOK or kristis133 now if i can join now please?

kristis isn't here anymore.
The Replays are good.

[AOD-AK]- your tag, means that you didn't leave your past clan, right?
And you applied for Torikings 4 hours ago. And cancelled that due to inactivity.
And you fucking applied for Predator, too.
And Hive. During 6 Hours.

Don't fucking think we don't know you.

EDIT: And Darkness. Same reasons. "Activity". What about deciding for one?
C'mon! We're not stupid at all.
Last edited by wiirus; Jul 25, 2009 at 06:13 PM.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Nice one there wiirus, Skillz if your not active then we dont want you, Prove to me that your active and you might have a chance at getting in. End of.

ALSO Liam117, it seems you was kicked fro mdeath reapers for inactivit, so the same stands for you, Prove to me your active and you might have a chance.
Originally Posted by KROOK View Post
Nice one there wiirus, Skillz if your not active then we dont want you, Prove to me that your active and you might have a chance at getting in. End of.

He is active.

But if the clans didn't reply during 3 hours, he cancelled his application... that's what I meant with inactivity.

From me, it's a no.
Applying for 4 different clans and don't waiting for an answer... and cancelling the app... not a good start.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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i'm sorry people and i really don't like causing this much trouble but i just want to get into a descant clan like this one, and i am really active and i will be, and by the way the [AOD_AK] is not an official clan i am not even sure whether it even is a clan but i do not play with that tag anymore and i cancelled all my applications once i posted my application for this clan so sorry but i would really like a chance to get into a clan like this, and i will prove to you that it will not be a mistake in letting me join this clan...
we should let him stick to the forums for a week or so, just to give him a chance to prove himself
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!