
Here is my little video for DemonBurn and Pr0ne. There is not much to it, but i felt the need to make it for them.

And also, replays :3
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Rawb And INoob .rpl (738.1 KB, 2 views)
Got a new replay
Took a while to make, CnC?
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#Butler-Class [M]- Pieces.rpl (118.3 KB, 6 views)
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?

Decap was very fast I liked it.

The next kick didn't really have much to it.

Then the other kick was alright, although you were flailing all over the place.

Around 332ish you became stiff, try moving everybody part when doing things. Just like in real life you're not gonna only move your arms to punch you're gonna use your legs, hips, chest, ankles, lumbar etc.

The last hit took a while to do, try speeding things up.

Also about your hits: Try making them look stronger and more fluid. Single dm's are fine once you can pull them off but they look strange if you don't have fluid movements. Try adding booms, or tricks if you can to get the viewer's attention it makes it nice to watch.

So work on your movement, relax a few body parts here and there, and make sure you try and keep the flow. You'll be able to get massive booms with ease if you have a good flow and great speed.

Good job Butler.

PS: Rob I really liked your vid ;o

Here's my current entry for the tpc event.
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Night of nights.rpl (304.8 KB, 9 views)
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Woah you guys are good o.o
The only thing to improve on your replay Jingles would be the pose.
And i'm getting more and more amazed at you Hours and how you can get so much energy out of you movements without your tori getting so tense he shits himself.

PM me with any and all questions