I have every hero memorized and all of their skills. From league of legends and heroes of newerth. it just kind of grows on you, it's not like anybody really plays thinking "i have to try and remember what all the heroes do", atleast I didn't have to and I know a lot of other people I play with didn't.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
I don't think any of you guys wanna play with me :P
I'm REALLY terrible at the game. :/ I don't know when to help other lanes, and usually how to use the homecoming stones (is that what they're called?) to get to other lanes. By that I mean I don't know when to use them correctly or at the right time.. And I only know how to use witch slayer. How did any of you guys remember the heroes and their skills? Everytime I try a new hero I have to kind of "test" their ability because I don't see any explanation on how to use it and what it does.

I don't know all the heroes skills but only the hard hitters that are played all the time, pebbles, devo, swiftblade, scout...etc you should learn.

Also, must time has a "leader" that normaly calls out what people should be doing. In a nice way... or not.

So when it comes to ganking lanes, people will ask. And None of us here are pros, maybe some better than others. But we can play games, learn the game together.

In game name - PuddiPuddiNyanCat - Just incase you missed it before.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Just played Emerald Warden and went something like 14-3-8 and wow, he's amazing. His ult is probably my most favorite ult in the whole game because it does so many things while all being passive.
Voodoo Jester, sucked this game REALLY bad, went 1/10/12...
I can never level mid game, I usually watch my teammates just wander around the map and follow them.

Every game I'm underleveled, feed, get ganked, and always get yelled at for not doing the right thing. I posted pretty much an explanation like this on the hon forums, if any of you guys can go on there and answer this for me there, because I don't really feel like having to type that really long thread here.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
Voodoo Jester, sucked this game REALLY bad, went 1/10/12...
I can never level mid game, I usually watch my teammates just wander around the map and follow them.

Every game I'm underleveled, feed, get ganked, and always get yelled at for not doing the right thing. I posted pretty much an explanation like this on the hon forums, if any of you guys can go on there and answer this for me there, because I don't really feel like having to type that really long thread here.

Okay, I tried everything in the tutorial, I still can't run away from ganks and still can't kill anybody. I get kicked alot now for having a .1 kd.

Now I'm desperate, can anyone kind of tutor me or something? I really need help in HoN.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
Okay, I tried everything in the tutorial, I still can't run away from ganks and still can't kill anybody. I get kicked alot now for having a .1 kd.

Now I'm desperate, can anyone kind of tutor me or something? I really need help in HoN.

nawr. hahaha add me oh_no we can have a game ill lane with you and set up a few kills? if you want to do that... cuz you shouldnt be playing stats at this stage.
Originally Posted by SoBscout
Okay, I tried everything in the tutorial, I still can't run away from ganks and still can't kill anybody. I get kicked alot now for having a .1 kd.

Now I'm desperate, can anyone kind of tutor me or something? I really need help in HoN.

Who cares about kd in HoN? If you play support, your kd is most likely going to drop. If you play carry(well, no guarantee here), it's most likely going to raise, because you want to get all the kills possible, if you have to kill steal, then you have to. Etc. KD may go both ways depending on what role you play, so I don't really see why people care about your 0.1 kd ratio.

Edit: forgot the quote
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
In HoN KD matters a lot, especially when you're joining a stats game. Most hosts check players history/stats to make sure they aren't that bad and will give their team/the others a guaranteed lose, because when you feed in HoN, you feed bad. Just play no-stats games, though, you probably should have been doing that for a while.