Another weird question for you, guys... Is there any way to make Uke, the dummy, to have the same proportions and body parts's mass than the regular player's tori?

Since I started working with the ukeReplayer script, I've noticed, and later constated by the Lua's threads in the forum, that Uke really differs greatly from the in-game tori when it comes to Physics.

By using ukeReplayer I can switch moves between Uke and the player's tori, and in some cases the outcome varies to the point to turn a victory in a loss.

Any help is welcome.
As far as I know changing tori/uke is only possible with mods.

e: Is there any way to get the force currently applied to tori/uke or the mass and acceleration?
Last edited by psycore; Mar 9, 2011 at 06:39 PM.
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Originally Posted by psycore View Post
As far as I know changing tori/uke is only possible with mods.

e: Is there any way to get the force currently applied to tori/uke or the mass and acceleration?

I've seen only examples of how to retrieve angular and linear velocity in the SDK.
Last edited by LastDuck; Mar 10, 2011 at 02:43 AM.
Hey, not entirely sure if this thread is still active, considering the last post was 3 weeks ago, but I wouldn't want to be a rule breaker, so I figured I'd ask here anyway.

I'm building a fun little script, unfortunately I will not be producing source code beyond what is necessary for you to answer my questions nor be explaining what it is until I'm done, it's a surprise!

My questions for now are: (Note A isn't entirely LUA script related, but it is related to my script)
A) Is there any way to permanently turn off ghosts, rather than to have to add a hook that would turn them off at the start of each turn? I ask because I need every ounce of performance I can get, and with opt fixedframerate 0 I get around 300fps with ghosts on and around 1400 fps with ghosts off, (A rather dramatic difference.) and I don't want to sacrifice the usability of my script for other users. If not, what kind of command would I put in the hook to turn ghosts off? something like a call to opt ghosts 0? I don't know the command name.
B) Is there a command I can call or a good way to force the turn to progress? Again this is for time saving / performance reasons.
C) The distance between (and direction to) player x's head and player y's joints (all of them) (and visa versa) and the momentum of player y's joints (and visa versa) need to be calculated, can you give me some tips on how to get this information? I understand trigonometry, and I've done mathematics mechanics at higher level education, so I don't need you to do all the math for me, I'm just having trouble getting the data I need.

I should mention I have read the various LUA tutorials by blam and jok, as well as the wiki page, so if any of these questions should have been answered by those feel free to be patronising / condescending, I'll understand.

In relation to question C; unless there is world position data for the tori-models (it looks like it's drawn from the position of the camera, correct?) Then I figure we can place the camera onto the default head tracking cam positions and measure locations relevant to the camera like that? Not ideal but it could work.
Last edited by Vox; May 26, 2011 at 11:39 AM.
B is run_frames(frames).
C Can be done with a combination of get_body_angular_vel, get_body_linear_vel and get_body_info (you can find explanations of each in data/script/sdk)
Don't know about A.
Thanks very much for the fast response, I'll look up data/script/sdk now and I'll ask if I can't seem to understand it, but that seems like exactly what I need. I'll be sure to cite you in my sources when it's posted.

[EDIT] looking in the sdk directory I found 'set ghost', that's probably the answer to A, so I think we can consider my questions fully answered.
Last edited by Vox; May 26, 2011 at 11:57 AM.
Oh, right. Haven't written anything in Lua for a while so I'm a bit rusty. :V
Maybe I'll do something again soon...
And no need to cite me (unless you really want to).