I think yesterday although I only played one game showed a good point. It was like 9 vs 2 and you'd think that we would have the advantage then right? I think clans should be rewarded in wars for having more players and I think the best way to do this is if it is looser chooses mod. Just using yesterday as an example our 9 players spread out had skills in all mods, TK, RK, Wushu, etc.. Where as there 2 members had skills in less mods since there was less members. If the War is in just 1 mod, then the amount of players you have means nothing. That is just how i'd like to see wars in the future, as I think playing as a team should be rewarded.
Obey are better than us in ABD no doubt so congrats to them for winning the war!! I hope we could do a rematch in a mix of mods in the future.

Welcome Handler!!
I'm pretty sure the clan war system awards more points for the amount of players that played.
I was mildly involved in it's development and that was a thing brought forward, but I can double check it.

But yeah, as most of us have said before, variety is our friend, especially given that Qb can do most mods, I and stevy can tk, fen can lenshu, we have a few rk guys, and a few aikido guys, and tinerr rockin' balls in judofrac, all in all a great mix, so long as abd isn't the primary mod.
Trouble is, a lot of clans nowadays simply assume that wars are abd only because that's how duels seem to have progressed.
It's just kinda boring, and the only point of doing these things is for us all to have fun, right? :O

So yeah, also if you guys get on the irc whenever you're available, then once there's a lot we'll try and do some wars, atm there's not many of us, but Qb's itching to beat some noobs heh

ALSO, I may be getting a pet corn snake and need name suggestions :O
So far the names i've been suggested are:
Oswald (ManlyPotato)

I really like Oswald actually

Also my snake will be replacing nic cage as the clan mascot

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Name: Thomas

Age: 17

Nationality: America

Why do I want to join? The past clans I have been in were very dull do to the fact that the members were very rarely on and the people themselves weren't very sociable. I have met a few of you guys from tribe, you seem like very friendly and fun people, plus I see you on a good bit I would love to get to know you better and I have no doubt this clan will last a long time and I would would stick with it till the end(hopefully that won't come).

Name changes / alts: I don't play them any more, Bogman and scallop

Previous clans: scar, and another clan I was in as Bogman about 2 years ago, I forget the name of it though. sorry about that

Skype: I very rarely get on Skype but if you want my account just pm me.

Other skills: I am an avid multiplayer mostly in tk type mods and aikido, but I don't play sp all that much. Outside of Toribash I play lacrosse and I program a lot

Replays: some of my mp replays are between uke and manbeatle(me) I think this happened because I changed the name of those replays.
Attached Files
the comeback.rpl (62.8 KB, 11 views)
crunch.rpl (120.7 KB, 10 views)
shreds.rpl (71.5 KB, 9 views)
round the back.rpl (65.4 KB, 8 views)
no one grabs me.rpl (82.7 KB, 10 views)
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
I'm pretty sure the clan war system awards more points for the amount of players that played.
I was mildly involved in it's development and that was a thing brought forward, but I can double check it.

But yeah, as most of us have said before, variety is our friend, especially given that Qb can do most mods, I and stevy can tk, fen can lenshu, we have a few rk guys, and a few aikido guys, and tinerr rockin' balls in judofrac, all in all a great mix, so long as abd isn't the primary mod.
Trouble is, a lot of clans nowadays simply assume that wars are abd only because that's how duels seem to have progressed.
It's just kinda boring, and the only point of doing these things is for us all to have fun, right? :O

So yeah, also if you guys get on the irc whenever you're available, then once there's a lot we'll try and do some wars, atm there's not many of us, but Qb's itching to beat some noobs heh

ALSO, I may be getting a pet corn snake and need name suggestions :O
So far the names i've been suggested are:
Oswald (ManlyPotato)

I really like Oswald actually

Also my snake will be replacing nic cage as the clan mascot


To give the guy a lil' bit of confidence you know?

Yes you can be a horocrox python, yes you can
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by manbeatle View Post
Name: Thomas

Age: 17

Nationality: America

Why do I want to join? The past clans I have been in were very dull do to the fact that the members were very rarely on and the people themselves weren't very sociable. I have met a few of you guys from tribe, you seem like very friendly and fun people, plus I see you on a good bit I would love to get to know you better and I have no doubt this clan will last a long time and I would would stick with it till the end(hopefully that won't come).

Name changes / alts: I don't play them any more, Bogman and scallop

Previous clans: scar, and another clan I was in as Bogman about 2 years ago, I forget the name of it though. sorry about that

Skype: I very rarely get on Skype but if you want my account just pm me.

Other skills: I am an avid multiplayer mostly in tk type mods and aikido, but I don't play sp all that much. Outside of Toribash I play lacrosse and I program a lot

Replays: some of my mp replays are between uke and manbeatle(me) I think this happened because I changed the name of those replays.

Hey man you seem pretty good in mp but I don't know you so hop on the IRC for a bit so we can get to know you better.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
It seems you have decent skill ingame, and in more than just a few mods. I like that. One things that bothers me though is that you have a total of 1 post through all of your accounts. Come hang out in the IRC some so we can get to know you.

Anyways, I am neutral atm.

As for the snake Erth, name is Ladasha

Wow, that's really cool Erth! TribeIRL holy shit. I want a snake... However reptiles are illegal here, yeey.

Zeto: Have you considered making a Tribe set? :o

This could be a cool leg texture.

If no one has any problems with it, I might create a new front page for us. Like, it's really nice! but I've got ideas, and the blur on the letters are killing me

EDIT: About Manbeatle... Seems good in TK, I don't play it. But his precision seems good and based on his SP replays it seems like he know what he's doing.
His application was rather wimpy, but he seems alright. However the post count kind of worries me, if we want members we'd want them to be active, right?
Last edited by Fenris; Jan 21, 2014 at 10:40 PM.
Name him Lasagna
Also I thought chris was remaking the front page too D:, He might not be idk
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Your app wasn't impressive, manbeatle. Your post counts make me worry, too. I played some games with you, a cool dude to hang with and he seems to be pretty good. Even tho i am neutral for now.