I like the simplicity in that....also that eye reminds me of warhere...looks very identical....the design on legs look good but something dosent fit perfectly..the top most right corner has an unexpected black color... I was experimenting to make a realistic looking hair tough it would be difficult

looks a bit bald besides need flaming

it just took me 2-5 minutes to make it....I feel a bit dedicated work can make it look more better...Just wanted to know about the idea...
also don't comment on eyes only the hair needs to be flamed on...I'm pretty OK with flaming...

The reason I did this was the large number of smudged & blurred emo heads I saw in the market...I had a bit more detailed unsymmetrical head of this type but lost it..
KONY 2012
AAAAGH stop the .......!!
I mean, I use it too, but in moderation. An acceptable amount.

However...if you...use this...people will..feel like...slapping you..or other various forms of violence. But I prefer slapping, for it sounds funnier.

So please frickin' stop that. And yes, the hair needs more work. Try 30 minutes. I also have no idea who is "warhere". Maybe you mean war_hero.
Last edited by joonveen; Mar 9, 2009 at 03:10 PM.
I have revitalized an old head I made as an experiment; added some tribal flair to it as the method doesn't really work for the rest of the body. Codename Crystal Iced.

Also, finished the legs for ToriRanger Silver. Darkened the head to match the rest of the color scheme, and touched up the thighs.
Last edited by joonveen; Mar 11, 2009 at 06:04 AM.

Something I was trying.The eye is on the sphere.Also the arms of some other set.

EDIT:the eye head thing has been dropped.The PS layered file is not opening with PS the stupid light on eye cannot be changed now..
KONY 2012
Err.I didn't see any image on first load & the first post aid broken link.
Saw something now

The second one looks good & neat.Love the simple & futuristic feel on it.Crystal eye is too abstract for me & the arm if included as the part of set don't blend in.The fromt & top of bicep is different style completely
Last edited by AKP; Mar 11, 2009 at 07:55 AM.
KONY 2012
Hmmm..I'll do some work on the biceps. Glad to see you like ToriRanger.

broken link

I cleaned up my Photobucket, but my newest update post (just above) has the latest look of my sets.

Set I'm working on for a fire/ice request.
Last edited by joonveen; Mar 11, 2009 at 12:06 PM.
They don't look like fire.Maybe change the style from definite shapes to some flamey & watery shape & they don'e blend in properly either.

Made a head,tried to make it simplistic like BenD's.Also full head is made by pen tool till this point.

The theme was to make something evil&angel in front & back but it turned out to be something evil & more eevil at the end.

Should I add mouth?Any style for mouth or any more designs

C&C appreciated
KONY 2012