It was probably space frame by frame until your hand warps into uke, then grab whilst the hand, or some of your hand, is inside Uke. This creates more chance of a dismemberment.
collect snots from the nose
@shaz: impressive, with lots of lax, although you started off a little slow. i would have perferred a decap + torso + other arm, rather than the small DMs with the remaining leg.

style(lax and stuff like that): 9.5/10
bloodynes(number of DMS and damage and overall bloodyness): 8.5/10
speed (self explainitory): 8.5/10

average about: 9

@gynx: really? I find it the other way around. grab 2 frames before hit, grabbing makes hand smaller and lighter so it warps in more, then grab when it actually hits which gets pretty alot of warp. if you want to grab, grab right after the DM
Last edited by blkk; Mar 13, 2009 at 02:48 AM.
- its been a while
First one was nice, though the move was a bit stiff, still awesome.

Second one was stiff, and not very nice to look at.

Overall 5/10