Plants create oxygen from carbon dioxide for me to breathe. They give us life, without them we would all be dead anyways. However, I find it quite funny that you find it that we should be eating only vegetables, fruits, etc.
If we all did that, there would not be enough oxygen reproduction from plants to keep us alive and breathing. Animals on the other hand produce carbon dioxide, which allows the plants to live so in return, if we kill all the animals there wouldn't be enough food source for the plants.

Equilibrium is what life is all about. If one thing is done too much, it is bad. That's why in my opinion, being an omnivore is the best way to go about your diet. You get the best of both worlds. There is also less competition as if there isn't enough plant life to eat, there will be enough animal life to eat. If there aren't enough animals to eat, plant life will be increased because it's not being eaten as much because there aren't a lot of animals to eat it; which would result in an abundance of plant life to eat.

I really think omnivores have the advantage when it comes to survival. Certain things taste good or act as a "drug" as you say because of the fact when we get certain things in our body, our body releases certain chemicals to reward us/make us feel good for doing something the body needs. Doing so tells us subconsciously that we need to keep doing it, and we seek those "pleasures".

In the term of it being morally wrong to kill and eat other creatures, I think morale is silly in the first place, and is really only something we as a civilization have created in order to maintain order in our communities. This is not a bad thing, but you have to realize that it is not morally wrong to do certain things when it comes to survival as our ancestors have clearly realized was important. This shows in quite a few of our laws when it comes to exceptions. It is wrong to kill, but this is overlooked if it was in self defense. Meaning, it was required in order to survive or live.

This may also apply to stealing. Is it really wrong to steal say a $5 meal from a store to survive because you're starving? In our society you will most likely not get into much trouble for stealing little bits of food if you're quite recognizably starving, or w/e. In fact, a lot of people would actually not think twice about helping someone in need if they really look that desperate. Now, some people have gone to jail for stealing food but does it really hurt them to go to jail? If they're homeless, they're being sent to a sheltered area and being given free food. Whether that food is good or not, it is better than nothing. In fact, if I was homeless and wasn't able to get back up on my feet I would steal to purposely get sent to jail.

I do think that hunting for "game" or sport is wrong, and that you should only kill other animals when you are going to eat it. I really like fishing, but I can't stand to eat fish. I would only keep the fish if I knew it was going to be eaten by someone else that I was with. I'm actually a person that is quite butthurt about our populations obsession of overproducing for the sake of the economy as if we only produce what we need, then some jobs will require less amount of labor resulting in less pay, resulting in a weaker buying power, etc. So we keep production up to keep jobs hours up, so people can buy the products regardless if there are leftovers afterwards. (I find this not a very stable way to do things in the long run)

There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian or whatever, but it does not make you any better than anyone. Some people who are only carnivores may see it as you eating their oxygen production, and indirectly polluting their air by killing off plants that would clean it.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Nov 3, 2016 at 05:49 AM.
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Yes. Plants recycle oxygen from CO2. Animals need oxygen to breathe.

Save the planet. Eat a vegan
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
This discussion is expanding in so many ways, me personally I feel pleasured that you start thinking about it because that was my one and only goal.

Yes I am convinced about beging a vegetarian, but if you do this wrong, then better eat meat.

There are some things that you need to replace and therefore eat them regular, there are 20 essential proteins which are ALL included in meat... sounds good right ? maybe too good to be truly good in general. When you get your proteins from extensive sources then just from meat, you'll get also much more healthy minerals/vitamins/etc. Things like B12 you'll find in things like sauerkraut(this is popular in my country).

I do not take any supplements like powder or pills, for my workout to prosper i eat meals that includes much ingredients and please do not say meat is the best source for protein. In our present there is so much globalisation that we have plants like quinoa which contains AS MUCH protein like beef..(and I don't even eat quinoa because it sounds also too good to be true as well, I also don't eat soya because its mostly genetically modified).

Short off topic: I am against genetic engineering because in my opinion the human is a not so developed race compared to other spezies, god gave us the fruits of mother earth for a long life, we can't do it better than god. Some science we will never understand fully enough for genetic engineering.

Equilibrium is a nice headword, if you got the balls to hunt an animal and slice it off to eat then you probably got a good source for your meat.
In survival settings I would also change my eating habituality, our present situation is that eating meat is soo usuall that they keep animals in horrible locations.. trust me the animals also feel the worst emotions when they life in hell(industrial livestock farming). And when you buy this shit, you eat all the fear, grief, pain that they expressed before getting killed! That is the reason for your random mood swings !!!(but when you are a woman it just could be the strawberry days).

One reason why I also do not eat meat from "good" sources ? hunger.
I ate meat for years, and when I compare my hunger feeling today and in the past.. I got the control over my body like, when I feel hunger now I get just a small signal from my body.. when I ATE meat and get hungry in the past then I felt like a tiger that has to get to the chicken RIGHT NOW. It was like my requirement for something to eat interrupted my actual activity. This is what I meant when I said you are what you eat, you believe in food chains so you are getting a carnivore in YOURSELF.

I am a curious person and I also use myself for some tests:
when I eat meat from the best sources I can get(not from hunting by myself till yet) , my stomach hurted a little bit, after one year being vegetarian.
When I eat fish after one year being vegetarian, I am just kinda sleepy.
An intuitive person should realize my vision that I live through, with this self expression by myself. I would rather eat fish then meat, when somebody persuade me I eat it like 2 times in a year.

If everybody would be vegetarian does not mean that we would eat all of our oxygen, there are so many plants that we can't even digest so we would die first before the nature would!

Its funny that ya'll hip hop heads come up with young thug, he is kinda brilliant.
A$ap Rocky which really impressed todays rap is also a vegetarian.

Not need to be like me. Think about what you eat, where it comes from, which factors could influence it and stop eating at god damned fast food restaurant.

And please realize all the negative ingredients in your daily consume like: aspartam, E120(and others!!), glutamate.(please add some more that I be missing).
Enjoint life
I never said all the oxygen would be depeleted, but there wouldn't be as much as there should be for all the animals to live.

Just going to touch on the genetically modified vegetables, fruits, etc.
I'd really like to see what type of things your eating. Bananas without seeds are technically genetically modified. I have yet to actually eat a banana with seeds in them.

^ an article on foods

Humans have been manipulating all sorts of crops ever since we decided to start growing crops as a food source. There is nothing really wrong with GMO foods as long as the processes used to create them are proven to be safe.

Also yes, if you go from a vegetarian diet and then go and eat a fatty burger or something, you're going to feel a little sick.
In regards to animals being treated poorly. Yes, there are a lot of places where mass production of animals causes poor living conditions. There are things in place to try and prevent this from happening and create a standard. I don't personally agree with the overproduction of animals, like I've stated before about our whole idea of producing more than we can consume. Yet, there are quite a few places where animals are raised in a somewhat caring environment and are free to roam thousands of acres of land, take baths in little ponds, etc.

My great uncle who lives in Tennesee, has/had nearly 500 acres of land of which he raised black angus cows. They weren't forced to breed, they weren't forced to eat, they weren't forced to do anything but live their little cow life. Until the day they were taken to the slaughterhouse to be butchered up for food. Hell, they had a pretty nice scenery.. better than most humans get.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Nov 3, 2016 at 10:56 AM.
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Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
It does taste good that's true.

But the main reasons for eating meat compared to not is not protein but Vitamin B12 and Iron. Odds are if you aren't eating meat that you're iron deficient which will make you feel tired and sluggish and can cause many more health problems.

It's really well proven that having meat in your diet is much healthier than not. Any dietician or nutritionist would tell you the same thing. Also you're still eating things that were once living, just not conscious.

No you just have to eat your carrots and lentils. You're exaggerating at best, but I understand this myth comes from there not being any direct iron content in vegetables. However, most vegetables contain something that indirectly supplies you with iron.

It's generally known that red meat in your diet causes health problems. Besides, why are you concerned about health when most of the community don't eat 100 percent healthy anyway. Not trying to say thay because we have a bag of chips once in a while we should abandon all health concerns, but it's not unreasonable to suggest that more people are using health benefits as an excuse in this thread. I think the worries are exaggerated.

I've been a not 100 percent strict vegetarian for a while now, meaning i strictly don't eat land animals but eat fish once in a while and stuff. I excercize and don't feel any more "iron deficient" since before i started.

also cba to bring up statistics i don't care that much, just wanted to oppose this so take this with some salt
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Gj Lazors and DruggedPanda keeping this a civil discussion. The rest of us got triggered by that holier than thou op
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
On top of the undeniable human injustices compiled and put on display within this thread, I am ashamed to claim that before I eat my delicious proteins and my muscular tissue meal I am a perpetrator, a misdemeanor of the sorts. Truthfully, I beat my meat.
i eat it because of people like you OP, and i will never stop
a lot of people in this thread acting like they choose meat over veggies when everyone knows the god combo is to eat amazing veg and meat together
Last edited by siku; Nov 3, 2016 at 01:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by YoungThugFan View Post
if how we treat animals is immoral, what does that make a cheetah viciously killing a gazelle and eating its "flesh" raw...
is it because they are not sentient like us and just do not know that eating plants are SO much better for them and will leave the earth happy?

This is too easy.

A cheetah is biologically and physically built for chasing and consuming the flesh of an animal. On top of that, these animals do it to survive, but does that make them exempt from morality? To answer your question, it seems to me that whether or not an animal has the moral capacity to perceive what is right and what is wrong, primarily in our social construct, is irrelevant to how we should subsequently treat them. The fact is, we have the morality and the empathy to know and feel the suffering of another living being, which is the very foundation of compassion (which Arthur Schopenahuer would argue is the basis of morality...)

And could you define sentient for me? It is my experience that many people interpret the word differently. Going by the definition, it's:
able to perceive or feel things.
We know that a cheetah feels pain, so isn't a cheetah sentient by definition?

Also, couldn't this thread be moved into discussion? There's too many non-arguments being made. Just rhetoric.
Originally Posted by Mallymkun View Post
Also, couldn't this thread be moved into discussion? There's too many non-arguments being made.
