Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
"Bad content" is pretty subjective y'know. Pretty sure most the things in this board that got killed wouldn't actually be classed as that.

Can you link me some threads which were closed unjustly please The only answer I got to this question was Gorman saying every single closed thread was closed wrongly - can't say I agree at all on this. Maybe you have a different idea.

So far the ideas I've got in the thread is
-All threads should be reopened
-Wibbles should be bought back
-Staff hate fun
-Off topic shouldn't be a dicussion board but a free-for-all of posting whatever

Only one of which (wibbles) seems to be reasonable to me.

As an aside:
I hate how this thread is turning into 'staff hate users and fun', like we're some kind of inhuman robot task force and not part of the same community as normal users. I'm more than willing to change OT rules if someone can give me a solid reason why doing that is better than opening a new board - personally I think maybe this community is just small and garbage at discussion in general.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
As for a "free wibbles", NOOOOOPE. There's no need for it now, just shit up your clan board

Why 'NOOOOOPE'? You say there's no need for it because we have clans but that's different. Clans are subcommunities. This is about getting a community-wide board that everyone can post in... Having fun with everyone, not just people in your clique.

In the same way, the Toriprime board serves a different purpose to a free wibbles. Toriprime is a subcommunity of Toribash (consisting of forumers who have money to pay for it).

So I think it definitely wouldn't be redundant to revive Wibbles.
@Fear, I linked (or told you the names) of the threads that I believed shouldn't have been closed in the last 2 pages of the board.
Hurp, totally missed that one. Yes I can get behind reopening threads like the dream wife and best name threads.

These were closed by someone else while I was
A) new to OT moderation
B) inactive as hell

I can tell you right now that I personally wouldn't close those threads at all. I can also agree the reasoning 'nothing good is coming out of this thread' is shaky reasoning to close a thread too.
@Ele and Gorman

It would be good to find out how many people buy it for the board now and see if what you said is still the case

The TP subforum is pretty active, but it would be interesting to find out how many people bought it for the forum - I also dont think anyone is intentionally making the forum shit.

Also TP is far less moderated than it used to be, which is a good step imo
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
wibbles? we have to pay to have fun? :^(

A good boy who turned into a gentleman.

He was a father, brother, and a friend.... HE WAS A GOOD MAAAAAAAAN.

Show me the transformations... either... transformations about weight, muscle, and good manz :^) AND THE LIKE.
3698 PM me if you want to see a secret.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
As for a "free wibbles", NOOOOOPE. There's no need for it now, just shit up your clan board - they had their post count removed for a reason.

1. Clan boards are not the same as wibbles, what's more wibbles threads are banned in clans still right?!
2. wtf has post count got to do with it. Stop caring about post count

What even was the problem with wibbles? It's "obnoxious"? Come up with a real reason pls
If you have minions in your avy or sig DO NOT REPLY TO MY POSTS
Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
2. wtf has post count got to do with it. Stop caring about post count

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
It's because people started shitposting non-stop to get higher post counts; users seem to have a deluded idea that high post counts mean something.

I don't really remember those times so I can't vouch for it but it makes sense to me.
Post count is meaningless, just remove it from the forum entirely.
If you have minions in your avy or sig DO NOT REPLY TO MY POSTS
if you're making a new wibbles board, just disable post count. that's the obvious thing to do

no one cares about post count nowadays, except for new people maybe