Originally Posted by TaylorF09 View Post
Great A manhunt!

Shit posting, Taylor..

This contributes very little to the thread's topic. Cease to do this or cease to exist.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Hello Nitro

I am Viipperr irl i am Joshua i have been trying to join a clan recently then i stumble to this site so i want to join.

I am a 7 grader gamer that is addicted to this game for years! no shit so my gaming story starts when i joined this school at 2008 at that time the library is full of toribashers there is Moiser and Dexter well they were in the replays in the game before recent updates. So in 2009 i started to play as K1iro900 and Kabcd it took me a year to under stand this game but now i mastered the game. Right now my favourite mod is And cuz it is really easy to safe like its nothing but I'm not the best of the best but I'm decent. About my activity, i take every chance i get to get up to forums i go to forums at snack, lunch and at home, i am Indonesian so for Americans i am online in games at night at Thursday, Friday and Saturday and at random intervals on week days. And for my contact informations My Skype is Call Me Josh
(if i change i will inform) my steam is Pan4Lif3.

Well i hope this application is Decent enough Thank you for Reading
Whoops i misstyped ABD with and Sorry
Last edited by Viipperr; Sep 16, 2015 at 12:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
well i guess u got 2 belive it XD that time i don't know shit
Well i did first play when i am 5 but of course i did some breaks and i think i can prove i am K1iro900 just gotta remember the password
Last edited by Viipperr; Sep 16, 2015 at 03:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Viipperr View Post
Hello Nitro

I am Viipperr irl i am Joshua i have been trying to join a clan recently then i stumble to this site so i want to join.

I am a 7 grader gamer that is addicted to this game for years! no shit so my gaming story starts when i joined this school at 2008 at that time the library is full of toribashers there is Moiser and Dexter well they were in the replays in the game before recent updates. So in 2009 i started to play as K1iro900 and Kabcd it took me a year to under stand this game but now i mastered the game. Right now my favourite mod is And cuz it is really easy to safe like its nothing but I'm not the best of the best but I'm decent. About my activity, i take every chance i get to get up to forums i go to forums at snack, lunch and at home, i am Indonesian so for Americans i am online in games at night at Thursday, Friday and Saturday and at random intervals on week days. And for my contact informations My Skype is Call Me Josh
(if i change i will inform) my steam is Pan4Lif3.

Well i hope this application is Decent enough Thank you for Reading
Whoops i misstyped ABD with and Sorry

Oh BTW. You're like totally most definitely completely and utterly insta-denied due to you n o t r e a d i n g t h e f i r s t p o s t syndrome.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
When I laugh histarically I know its deniededededed
Make my post red pls
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by NiteNite View Post
Oh BTW. You're like totally most definitely completely and utterly insta-denied due to you n o t r e a d i n g t h e f i r s t p o s t syndrome.

notreadingthefirstpostitis is a serious condition in nitro applicants XD