Originally Posted by Link View Post

I regret using 8
Won't put my faith in 10

Where is 9?


Originally Posted by Retro View Post
Windows 7 8 9

Originally Posted by Chris View Post
7 ate 9.

Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post

nuff said

stuff that literally every other internet company does to you, save the wifi connect thing which is alright i guess cause i don't have facebook
Last edited by NotShadow; Aug 6, 2015 at 12:53 AM.
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post

nuff said

You conveniently forgot to post the rebuttal that I cannot find for whatever reason that was posted on imgur at about the same time you posted this here. (I think I found it, but it's not like I remember. It was late. I was tired. It probably is what I saw) It's basically clarification because that poster either misunderstood the reasons behind things, or is just looking for something to complain about, as NotShadow pointed out above.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
You conveniently forgot to post the rebuttal that I cannot find for whatever reason that was posted on imgur at about the same time you posted this here. (I think I found it, but it's not like I remember. It was late. I was tired. It probably is what I saw) It's basically clarification because that poster either misunderstood the reasons behind things, or is just looking for something to complain about, as NotShadow pointed out above.

Ok, I didn't see that, sorry
Basically, Microsoft isn't doing anything that Google and Facebook hasn't been doing for the past 5+ years anyway, minus that update optimizer thing. That's actually a cool feature. What it does is Microsoft will download whatever updates are needed onto the first system to get them, and then any other computers connected to it will download the updates from that computer, instead of off the internet, which saves you bandwidth and allows you to keep downloading that high quality porn at maximum speed while your computer transfers update data to the laptop in the next room.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
i got windows 10 today, it had a few kinks but after a few restarts everything seemed to work out alright. After I upgraded, my resolution was set to 1024x1028 (maybe, I'm not sure of the exact number) and it wouldn't let me change my resolution to my native res, at 1680x1050. I restarted twice to no avail, and after the second time Cortana stopped working as well. I restarted a third time and now everything seems good for now, but we'll have to see as time goes on.

Also it didn't give me the option to do a fresh install like it did on my surface :c
I tried to install it but my laptop crashed when I tried to download some updates which were needed for Windows 10.
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