Can our warrers, whenever there's a few of you together, go and beat Obey real soon? There's only a day or two left before this round ends.
Any updates on this? Since I've been on vacation, I haven't really followed the competition.
Obey graciously bowed out, since they're quite busy with winning the clan league.

The finals have started. We've gotta war both Aether and KnC within the next two weeks. Let's actually do it this time.
greetings f̶a̶g̶g̶o̶t̶s̶

When will you be available to play the matches? I think we will be available any day as long as it is after 6 pm gmt +1.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Hm, looks like most players in America should be fine if they can mix up around noon or later. Every participating needs to post their GMTs and when they're available to play.
any updates? we are gmt+1 and gmt's -3 to -5 although time is not that much of a problem for us
i sell pocket pussies
[Ae]ther | cncpls | [OoT] | SR
I didn't follow this due to holiday things.

But if people think I should play in this I'm almost always available in the evening, midday doesn't always work out due to work.
But, Gmt +1 evening isn't very late for americans
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