So, has anyone seen Interstellar yet?
Go to see it in IMAX, it's worth your money.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Seconded. It was very, very entertaining. I kinda wish there would be a Prometheus sequel now. Or more space movie stuff. Mass Effect made me feel the same way, even though it's a game.
The word you're looking for is "immersive".
Nolan did a great job making everything believable (enough) and still very entertaining, even though some parts are pretty impossible.
The film explains quite some theories without giving actual factual information, thus keeping you guessing.
I for one enjoy this kind of storytelling as it sets you to think.

Matthew was terrific again. He's really on a rise, can't wait to see what movie or series he'll play next.
Been a huge fan of him after True Detective and Dallas Buyers Club.

Anyone seen Fury, as well?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan, simply for that matter. I believe that Inception kind of falls into the same category of storytelling. That film seriously blew me away when I went I went to watch it. Easily one of my top 5 movies since I started properly developing film taste, haha. I rarely ever go into the cinema anymore, but Nolan's work always lures me back in, simply for the breathtaking visuals and interesting concepts he offers. I tend to always enjoy what he's doing and his cast is so perfect for the roles.

Yeah, McConaughey seriously is upping his game hard in recent times. I never really cared about his acting, because he usually starred in movies that I wasn't really all too keen on watching. I still haven't come to watching True Detective, I only heard positive feedback so far. Gotta get going in the near future. Haven't seen Fury so far.
True Detective is the best thing I've ever seen. Better than any movie.
And I've seen A LOT of movies.

If you liked Interstellar, go watch 2001: A Space Odyssey.
It's the keystone of space age films, by Stanley Kubrick.
He's amazing. His films are slow but that's because they're old.
I always have some point that I want to turn his films off but I know that I shouldn't, because everything has a reason, even the slow buildup.
I'd advise to watch his films alone, I get distracted if I watch them with mates.
Other films of him: A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket. All great.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Seen all of them, classics. Although I don't really liked FMJ too much, on the other hand it's been a while since I've seen it. But yeah 2001 is legitimately a milestone.
Interstellar was very impressive. Good movie. I liked how they included blackholes and the incredible stuff about it. I was stuck in that movie like a week or so just like after a very good book, because I saw so many interesting stuff of this kind on youtube etc that I played with thoughts all the time.