Guys come and join AliensvsMylittle
Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-7 WAS HARD BUT DONE

DD Get the bitches here and lets hang
Last edited by Marci6; Jul 24, 2014 at 04:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T_T ° Ï ½° À°±¾Âµ ±Ë». ÓàãáâìßÕçÐÛì. ¿ÐæÐÝë ÚàÐáÐÒçØÚØ!
Next time I'll pay more attention to the forum. Didn't have a chance. Had shitloads of working hours this week. Good job, Marci, for setting up this game.
Last edited by Malphas; Jul 24, 2014 at 04:38 PM.
I'll break you a hundred different ways...
So done Aliens vs MyLittle


[Aliens]Pain 1-0 [MyLittle]Killer4eva
[Aliens]Marci6 2-0 [MyLittle]Killer4eva
[Aliens]Deminik 2-1 [MyLittle]Firefox20


[Aliens]Marci6 2-2 [MyLittle]Alien
[Aliens]Pain 2-3 [MyLittle]Alien
[Aliens]Marci6 3-3 [MyLittle]Linkerman


[Aliens]Pain 4-3 [MyLittle]Linkerman
[Aliens]Pain 5-3 [MyLittle]Firefox20
[Aliens]Deminik 6-3 [MyLittle]Firefox20


[Aliens]Teterten 6-4 [MyLittle]Alien
[Aliens]Deminik 6-5 [MyLittle]Alien
[Aliens]Apozke 6-6 [MyLittle]Firefox20


[Aliens]Marci6 7-6 [MyLittle]Linkerman
[Aliens]Stazis 8-6 [MyLittle]Killer4eva
[Aliens]Stazis 8-7 [MyLittle]Killer4eva

So Overally Aliens won vs Mylittle 8-7

Edit:Malphas dont worry there is always a next time
Last edited by Marci6; Jul 24, 2014 at 04:47 PM.