Originally Posted by MagmaClash View Post
Can u make me a tribal head just like mine except add more details?

Just (Dl and Lp me you see my head)

Sir... it'd be great if you could read the first post, i do not do any kind of textures
Originally Posted by N3WB View Post
WWhew! These renders are looking great, Mega.

Could I get a toriboxer one of these? Maybe in a ring and punching toward the screen - making it crack?

Also change my force to supernova for the render, if you could please. I lost my real supernova via duel. RIP me heh

Thank you man =)!

Sure thing that is! As we've talked on the server, that'd be 4k, on it.
Last edited by Mega7Force; Jun 3, 2014 at 06:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
|Portugal/Brazil|C# Coder|ROCK ♪♪|
Well ok derp
Hmm just make me a chest joint texture
Last edited by MagmaClash; Jun 3, 2014 at 07:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hey I am a Mushu Player and You can find me on Mushu Tourney's and I am good at Aikido too
Originally Posted by MagmaClash View Post
Well ok derp
Hmm just make me a chest joint texture
|Portugal/Brazil|C# Coder|ROCK ♪♪|
No problem ^^
N3wb's request finished!

Glass Crack

Uncracked Glass

Last edited by Mega7Force; Jun 3, 2014 at 08:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
|Portugal/Brazil|C# Coder|ROCK ♪♪|
Nice Mega! 4k sent... but

Now that I've seen what you can do I'm interested in one last request

Could you maybe try and recreate this scene for me, with me standing and Evilrage on the ground? Also add the crowd and as much as possible if you can.

Add any effects you feel are necessary if so, I'll pay for the extras ^.^
Last edited by N3WB; Jun 3, 2014 at 09:21 PM.

Originally Posted by N3WB View Post
Nice Mega! 4k sent... but

Now that I've seen what you can do I'm interested in one last request

Could you maybe try and recreate this scene for me, with me standing and Evilrage on the ground? Also add the crowd and as much as possible if you can.

Add any effects you feel are necessary if so, I'll pay for the extras ^.^

Aaaaaaaaand i'm on it )
|Portugal/Brazil|C# Coder|ROCK ♪♪|
I want my tori sitting on the street in the middle of the night and it shall rain, and He should look sad, with like his hands on the knees. And I'de like it to be in the middle of the night like underneath a traffic light. I want it fully HD too with shiny joints. I'll pay up to 5k and over that if I like it I want it high res too.

Thank you
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
I want my tori sitting on the street in the middle of the night and it shall rain, and He should look sad, with like his hands on the knees. And I'de like it to be in the middle of the night like underneath a traffic light. I want it fully HD too with shiny joints. I'll pay up to 5k and over that if I like it I want it high res too.

Thank you

Added to the queue, will start it soon =)!
Aaaaaaaaand N3wb's second request is done, =)!


Last edited by Mega7Force; Jun 4, 2014 at 12:42 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
|Portugal/Brazil|C# Coder|ROCK ♪♪|
Yo, I want Myself, Submerge, Ezio, Tsuion and Submerge need to be in the "twerking position, rubbing his manly nipples" From what he said. Ezio, "falling like a angel going to assassinate Submerge and his sexy twerking." Tsuion wants to be in a "victory pose because he didn't get his ass assassinated" I want my self to be bigger holding the word "Aquarius." Make sure the colors for Aquarius are blue and water is like circling around it.
I want this all to be on the beach.
For the water around "Aquarius"


All of this is quoted
I think this all added up to 5.5k. Correct me if I am wrong.