Originally Posted by Organs View Post
thats a corsair carbide spec 01

another one with the Carbide, wtf.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
time to get rekd scrubs,

the picture was taken a year ago, so from that time i got 2nd monitor 15'6" for browsing instead of notebook and some shitty chinise tablet 10" for avionics, and i don't have to wear that brutally cut hat anymore as i sticked more reflectors on base and now i can use it mounted directly on headphones. (not perect but still better than before).

so in total:
output: samsung 23", philips 15'6", shitty tablet 10"
pc conf: i7 2600k, 8gb ram, gtx580
input: g940 flight system ( i fly mostly choppers which you can tell by the way it mounted on this ultramodern chair i got, good for planes ofc, like warthunder, but i like DCS choppers more ), track ir 5 pro (but IR got fucked up and i can't be arsed to make new one as it will use AAC ducktaped to headphones, so i decided to stick with reflectors), razer hydra (mostly useless for most fps except TF2 (which i don't play) and arma, but could be far more usefull if i had oculus, also antient logitech dual action gamepad as i hate xbox ergo.

mah setup

tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Is mounting like that legit?

I thought most fighters had the stick offset right and the throttle on the left?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Is mounting like that legit?

I thought most fighters had the stick offset right and the throttle on the left?

for helicopters it's the most authentic way, and thats the only reason i use this chair ( i can not mount throttle like that on any other computer chair i have at home), plus since g940 is geared both to helicopters and planes you have some VERY, very cool thing on throttle, basically when you fly heli you can adjust engine power using this bit if you do not set it on auto (very situational, but very neat thing)

also no, stick should be on center. ideally it should be on floor with mod like this, no matter if you fly planes or helicopters, but since you can adjust curves in most flight sims (except war thunder, (well you can but with virtual joystick) ), so i decided to avoid mod part for some time as i play other games that flight sims aswell and i don't have that much space to have a dedicated flight sit and gaming sit yet.

generally, as soon as oculus will hit retail i would not need 2 monitors so may be i will be able to organize space a bit more rationally, but thats not going to happen any time soon i presume.

Originally Posted by Organs View Post
ive never seen so much diy

really? i'm casual scrub compared to this

Last edited by snake; Jun 30, 2014 at 04:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
did a plan for someone a while back who remotely flew helicopters from his home for work.
like full helicopters, not model ones.
had a similar setup to you, but with 3 32" screens.
it was like, ultimate nerd candy.

Originally Posted by Organs View Post
ive never seen so much diy

my carbide is a bit different to yours, ben

I have the 300R
its a fairly big range
Last edited by BenDover; Jun 30, 2014 at 10:58 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
My buddy has the Air 540 and hoo buddy it's a fucking behemoth. I like my tiny little 250d, although it's a bitch to install anything in.

(ask me about trying to fit a corsair h100i in it D
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH