I got bad grades in 3rd grade and my dad punished me for 3 months, wouldn't even let me eat downstairs or have any of the food he ordered or my mom cooked, I had to eat crackers and sometimes some real food.

Another time was when I was in 3rd grade some 6th grade kid was bullying me so I said I fucked his mom last night and he punched me in the face. My dickhead dad found out about it and told me to put my arms out, then he punched me in the chest and knocked the air out of me.
Originally Posted by tbashboii View Post
I got bad grades in 3rd grade and my dad punished me for 3 months, wouldn't even let me eat downstairs or have any of the food he ordered or my mom cooked, I had to eat crackers and sometimes some real food.

Another time was when I was in 3rd grade some 6th grade kid was bullying me so I said I fucked his mom last night and he punched me in the face. My dickhead dad found out about it and told me to put my arms out, then he punched me in the chest and knocked the air out of me.

Sounds like my dad... cept he lets me eat real food.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by tbashboii View Post
Yeah, he has bipolar.

I was diagnosed as a weak bipolar (better than most) and I fight the moodswings and insane behaviour with pure willpower. I have never once had a raging fit or mood swing in my entire life (except for that one raging fit that I pulled when I was 10 because my friend wouldn't give back my toy, but that isn't bipolar)

I am disgusted with people using the disorder as an excuse, there is no excuse for acting like a moron. Unless you're retarded.
When I was a kid, I got 'spanked' if I did anything wrong. My dad always told me before the punishment, 'I hate doing this, but it's the only discipline that works with you.'
He was absolutely right of course. I was a rebel child. I hated spankings, but they did work.. somewhat.

I was in a wal-mart when I was like 9. (yay) I wanted a tech-deck dude. Like, hella bad fellas. If I didn't get me a tech-deck dude, I was gonna flip out. And apparently, I did. (I was a brat of a child, bless my parents).
My dad whispered very calmly to me, that if I didn't be quiet, that he would announce what I had done, and then spank me 'in front of all these people'.
Now this was back in the day, where if a parent spanked their kids, the parents silently applauded one another for teaching their kids lessons.. contrasting vividly to the present day, where you'd be tackled by the swat team if you were seen giving your kid's hand a quick pat in public.

Anyway, I thought he was bluffing, as I always did.. but he wasn't. He stood me up, announced to the world my brattiness and spanked me in front of all of these people. Before thinking it could get any worse, I saw my best friend standing dierectly in front of me, jaw-gaping.. He never spoke to me again.

I've had some pretty extensive groundings in my time, but nothing was worse than that day.
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