Endurance Onslaught 6.0
just bought combined operations a few minutes ago and am really looking forward to playing this mod

add me if you wanna play sometime: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038976604

This article. (Read it, all 3 pages, it's awesome)
Made me want to play it so hard.

It's fascinating what kind of environment the devs and the players created there.
A social (and anti-social) playground I'd say.

I might get into it some time.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
Just wanna know that how's it going on for the "Best" DayZ players here?
Like little stats and stuff you have.

I wanna compare little as me and my friend has a little camp now.
Tents ofc and Tractor, bus and uaz (Car) and ofc guns and stuff in them.
Dont even ask where it is. xD Not going to tell.

I just hate that bug when you put camo or ghillie suit on and you just spawn to a ocean. (Bug) Kinda rare but still. :/
That happened to me but dont give up if this happens to you.
Just swim to the shore and keep goin along the coast for couple thousend meters and you'll arrive to Chernarus again.

When i did this i kept going to the woods and saw a camp. I was like F*UCK YEAH! As i saw two cars there.
But then i was freaked out by 5 ghillie guys in a bushesh.
Got one down but thy go me. ;_;
Lost AS50 and M4 CCO SD...

Still going well. Went back to that camp later and stole Military coyote bag, M4 CCO and bullets ofc and M24? saw. Cant remember full name.

Going back to my camp to get some stuff.
Its hard to move without GPS, map and compass when you've had them for long time.
Lucky as i have couple of them in my camp and some ghillie suits.

And if anyone of you meet me in Chernarus.
Look out, my motto goes little like "shoot first ask later."
Many many other players does have that too.
That made me to take it too...
Last edited by Zapekk; Jul 21, 2012 at 12:53 PM.
