Originally Posted by MocroGunz
How do we benefit from having you as an ally?

Well, I'll be an active ally, have no doubt about it. Can I help, perhaps with something related to art. Beyond my moral support, ideas, etc.
Originally Posted by papasmurfa
Mocro: he's awesome, that's how

Last edited by Morbid; Jul 5, 2012 at 10:02 AM.
I'm not entirely sure or not, but I'll let others decided your fate.
2 no's out of 5 votes, and you won't be added.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Requesting single alliance!

Why I want to be an ally:
maybe all of you don't know me. But i try to introduce myself, my real name: Muhammad, from Indonesia. I hope i can be a single ally, for this clan, thanks

What I can help the clan with:
maybe i can help you find a good people to be a member, help you to reach 1st rank clan too, amin.

What I expect to do here with you guys:
find a new friends, share, joke, and info(maybe)
Aussie 11.07
Why I want to be an ally: it is because you guys are phantoms, and kirby.

What I can help the clan with: hmmm... things i am capable of.

What I expect to do here with you guys:
-anything in the irc, i have always been an invader there
-hang out with you people
-help out when you are in need?
Like a lie
Originally Posted by 1107 View Post
Requesting single alliance!

Why I want to be an ally:
maybe all of you don't know me. But i try to introduce myself, my real name: Muhammad, from Indonesia. I hope i can be a single ally, for this clan, thanks

What I can help the clan with:
maybe i can help you find a good people to be a member, help you to reach 1st rank clan too, amin.

What I expect to do here with you guys:
find a new friends, share, joke, and info(maybe)


Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
Why I want to be an ally: it is because you guys are phantoms, and kirby.

What I can help the clan with: hmmm... things i am capable of.

What I expect to do here with you guys:
-anything in the irc, i have always been an invader there
-hang out with you people
-help out when you are in need?

Okay, what's happened mocro?

I was ally when you were unofficial, what's changed??
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